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USS Republic

STSF_BluRox: Good Evening Republic

Joy: Good evening Blu.

LtCmdrRobinson: woohoo I lived

STSF_BluRox: That felt good....been awhile since I had the crew die from giant spiders

LtCdrJAX: ::thwapps Will::

STSF_BluRox: So...Rep types..how are ya?

STSF_Seiben: Cold

STSF_KBear: Doing better than I was this time LAST night

Joy: Doing well... Scuse me, though. have to check the room for spiders.

Aaron_Westler: Or the night before K? :(

Aaron_Westler: Good job Blu - you scared Joy :D

STSF_KBear: LOL OHH YES Arron AND the night before

STSF_KBear: LOL Gotcha

STSF_BluRox: Ok, non Rep folks, you are welcome to stay and watch, but please take the chat to PM's, thanks

LtCmdrRobinson: hi kids!

STSF_Seiben: Howdee

LtCmdrRobinson: where the Risa is everyone?

LtCdrJAX: sleeping

LtCmdrRobinson: Jax, lets build some robots for crewman

STSF_BluRox: I know the doctor is in SF, she won't be around again this week...but thats the only one I heard from

STSF_BluRox: I'm sure they'll be along shortly

LtCmdrRobinson: its 6 after, they should already be here, poo on them! POO!

STSF_BluRox: <maybe they have the same bronchitis I have, and are smart and in bed?.lol>

STSF_Seiben: I was just gonna say that it is Flu season

LtCmdrRobinson: can we do something drastic while they are gone to teach them a lesson?

LtCmdrRobinson: hey lets blow the ship up

LtCdrJAX: Calm down WIlma

STSF_Seiben: Again?

STSF_KBear: Ive had tha for 2 weeks now STILL isnt going away :-(

LtCdrJAX: *Wilma

STSF_BluRox: ::reminds Will:: Uhm...we are on the D.

STSF_Seiben: What's THA?

STSF_BluRox: Kbear, you get everything

STSF_KBear: LOL not normally

LtCmdrRobinson: So we have 22 letters to go!

STSF_Seiben: I blew up the D once. Although, technically... that never happened. :)

STSF_BluRox: <on her 5th incarnation of the Republic>

STSF_Seiben: Well, at least you're not Fred.. Reaent's up to G.

STSF_BluRox: <true, that would make it 6!>

STSF_Seiben: :P

STSF_BluRox: lol

Joy: He blew up Aegis 6 times in one night a few weeks back...

LtCmdrRobinson: ohhhh a time loop?

Joy: Yep.

LtCmdrRobinson: we should do that here so I can annoy Jax 6 times as much

LtCmdrRobinson: :D

Joy: :: Wonders why no one has thwapped Will yet. ::

STSF_BluRox: MISSION BRIEFING: The Republic, was following clues from the massacred colony, as well as other infomation found at other sights, rumors heard on the other colonies still in existance,

STSF_Seiben: Jax thwapped Will awhile back ago

LtCmdrRobinson: <Jax already did, she is good at making sure she does that first thing>

STSF_BluRox: and a trajectory recorded in the data padd the dying Bajoran had recorded.

Joy: :: Sighs :: Sorry. Not being alert enough.

STSF_BluRox: <it's true..she did>




STSF_BluRox: Joy, you were working on setting us a course with Seiben...have you finalized something for us?

STSF_Seiben: ::at Helm. Tapping buttons on his console in an effort to look like useful crew member::

STSF_Seiben: ::oh, yes.. that's what he is doing::

Joy: I have a proposal. Green stars are most worth checking. I'd hit them on the way out.

STSF_Seiben: I concur, sir.

STSF_BluRox: Make it so..

LtCmdrRobinson: ::on the bridge with everyone else::

Joy: If nothing on the way out, the red ones on the way back.

STSF_KBear: ::time has come for another shift and is wondering if she should report or not.

LtCdrJAX: ::At engineering console on the Bridge::

STSF_Seiben: Aye aye. Altering our course. ::does so::

STSF_KBear: +Bridge+ Kawalas to the bridge

STSF_Seiben: +Kawalas+ Bridge here.

STSF_BluRox: Jax, how's our engines looking. Up to this extended trip?

STSF_Seiben: Ready to go.

STSF_BluRox: Looks like we'll be skirting through a part of the Badlands in this sector::pointing at the map on the viewer::

STSF_KBear: +Hans+ Hans Could you please find out if I am to report for duty or not? I havent heard from anyone on this matter.

STSF_Seiben: Indeed, for about 6.2 lightyears.

STSF_Seiben: +Kawalas+ Sure, sir.

LtCdrJAX: I believe the Engines are up for it

STSF_BluRox: ::sighs:: Murmurs to self::Annoying woman....every time I"m in a briefing or talking to someone, she coms.....

Joy: We might want to take extra time in the Badlands. If they haven't been found, it may well be because they went somewhere where they will be hard to find.

STSF_Seiben: ::Taps his console, seeing if Kawalas is ready to come back on duty, decides not to comment on Blu's remark::

STSF_Seiben: Is Commander Kawalas cleared for duty?

STSF_Seiben: ::Joy:: that might be the case. It does seem logical

STSF_BluRox: ::looks for Kwai and notes she's on her sleep cycle:: If the XO has not noted against it, then she may return to her station..

STSF_Seiben: ::taps his console to varify:: Negative on that sir.

STSF_BluRox: ::turns back to Joy:: Yes...we've had some bad experiences already in the badlands with some Cardassians and Jem Haddar ..it's not one of my favorite places.

STSF_Seiben: (Negative on not noting against it)

LtCdrJAX: ::Looks at Will... makes a face at him:::

STSF_Seiben: +Kawalas+ This is the Bridge. You are cleared to return to duty.

LtCdrJAX: *)

STSF_BluRox: Very well......keep scanning, and see what possiblities you come up with along the way.

STSF_KBear: +Hans+ Thank you Hans

STSF_BluRox: One concern, I know the Cardassians really didnt' want us searching too close to the Badlands..something about having not yet had a chance to decommission some

STSF_Seiben: ::does a tactical scan of the area as he pilots the ship along it's given course::

STSF_KBear: ::gets up and replaces her civialiain clothing for her uniform::

Joy: I can't say it is my favorite place, either. :: Remembers Joy 7 and Aurora. ::

STSF_BluRox: military supply depots, if they survived the War.

STSF_Seiben: ::Nods::

LtCmdrRobinson: ::gives Jax an evil look::

STSF_BluRox: If they contact us, patch it through to me

STSF_Seiben: Aye sor

STSF_Seiben: sir

STSF_BluRox: I'll be in my ready room

STSF_Seiben: Acknowledged

STSF_KBear: ::writes a note to Jenna to get Schawana in bed ealry since she was up late the night before::

STSF_BluRox: <Which translates into ..I'm going to the fridge for a drink...brb>

STSF_KBear: <<LOL>>

STSF_Seiben: <lo0l>

Joy: :: Moves back to Science 2 ::

LtCdrJAX: ::once Blu is in the RR, Thwapps Wilma::

STSF_KBear: ::exits her quarters , walking down the corridor::

Joy: :: Notes the violence. Briefly considers calling secuity. ::

STSF_KBear: ::enters the TL:: Bridge

STSF_Seiben: ::pilots the Rep at high warp::

STSF_KBear: I have to remember to keep my mouth shut acept when spoken toand DO NOT make Blu any more upset at me than she already is or I will be in the brig.

Joy: :: Tries to scan the region as best she can while travelling at speed, but knowing nothing much will be left of old evidence in deep space after this much time has elased. ::

STSF_Seiben: ::tactically scanning the area as well, hoping that the Cardassians and Dominion are gone as well in the area::

STSF_BluRox: <hmmm, orange juice>

STSF_KBear: ::exits the TL onto the bridge::

STSF_Seiben: <Yummy>

LtCmdrRobinson: ::thwaps Jax back:: stop it or I'm telling the Admiral!

LtCdrJAX: no you wont

STSF_BluRox: <note to crew....be careful of who you let housesit for you...you may come back to an entirely wiped out fridge>

STSF_KBear: <<Ok now you made me thirsty, BRB brownie and milk break>>>

LtCmdrRobinson: How do you know?

LtCdrJAX: because you are a chicken ::thwapps him again::

STSF_Seiben: <Yeah, I'm gonna go refill my Coke.. brb>

LtCdrJAX: <<< you need to leave it Empty>>

STSF_Seiben: <Right>

STSF_KBear: <<back>>

STSF_BluRox: <look at what I started!>

STSF_BluRox: <god, it looks like Huff's ship>

STSF_Seiben: <lol>

STSF_BluRox: < I swear, they dont' sim there, they only eat>

STSF_KBear: ::walks over to her station and sits::

LtCdrJAX: <<::Snickers:: I know better, I come with drink in hand>>

STSF_Seiben: <All we need is the Donut Cart>

LtCmdrRobinson: I'll put you in the brig if you dont stop. ::swats her away::

STSF_KBear: <<LOL Yep you started it>>

STSF_BluRox: <snickers!? sure, now I have to go get into the Reeses cups>

STSF_KBear: <<Krispy creme doughnuts anyone? I have left overs from the dog show yesterday>>>

LtCdrJAX: <<I think the first 20 minutes are people saying what they are eatting>>

Joy: << Why are organic beings so into food? >>

STSF_BluRox: <fuel Joy....pure and simple fuel>

LtCdrJAX: ::Pokes his ribs:: will not

STSF_BluRox: ::in ready room, looking through the material from the data padd once again and makes a face:

STSF_KBear: Hans Anything new so far?

STSF_Seiben: ::brushews some hair from out of his eyes::

STSF_BluRox: ::walks out of the ready room, over to behind Will and Jax, and thwaps them both in the back of the head::

STSF_Seiben: We are going to our destination with is near the Badlands

STSF_BluRox: ::turns and walks back to the ready room::

LtCdrJAX: Ow!

STSF_Seiben: O_O

STSF_KBear: the badlands?

STSF_BluRox: ::stopping on the way, to shut off the open com link she had accidently left on her chair::

Joy: Well, that was decisive.

STSF_Seiben: Yeah. Some of our trip there will take us into it

STSF_Seiben: Quite.

STSF_KBear: ::sees Blu and shuts up::

STSF_BluRox: ::turns and smiles at Will and Jax before entering::

STSF_Seiben: ::Looks back to the viewscreen::

LtCdrJAX: ::grits teeth at Will:: that was your fault

LtCdrJAX: ::Giggles::

STSF_Seiben: ::smirks though, as he did find it funny::

LtCmdrRobinson: ::spies the admiral, starts behaving::

LtCmdrRobinson: (q) At least her claws wernt out when she did it

STSF_KBear: ::after Blu had left:: Hans are we going to be able to scan in the badlands?

STSF_Seiben: Yes, we should be able to.

STSF_BluRox: ::grins as the door shuts:: I wish those two would just admit to each other how much they like one another

LtCdrJAX: she has a good right hook

LtCdrJAX: <<Do not!>>

LtCmdrRobinson: Well maybe she'll come back and smack you again, you need it.

LtCmdrRobinson: <<DIRTY ROTTEN LIES! I hate Jax! Hate!>>

LtCdrJAX: Umm.. you need the smack buckO

STSF_Seiben: <Well, you do both like to agrue like a couple... >

LtCdrJAX: <<I hate you more!!>>

LtCmdrRobinson: You need a smack, I need a snack. Im hungry for some reason.

STSF_BluRox: ::makes a note to take to Rian, to make sure they have more recon and AT missiong together::

LtCdrJAX: <<Hey don't talk to him like that ::Thwapps Hans::>>

STSF_Seiben: <he he he >

STSF_BluRox: ::perhaps they just need more quiet time, away from the eyes of the crew upon them::

LtCmdrRobinson: << :) >>

LtCdrJAX: how about a knuckle snadwich

STSF_KBear: Joy? How effective should those scans be. And haw far into the bad lands will we be able to scan?

STSF_KBear: *how

Joy: If we want to find a lost colony in the badlands, we'll ave to go into the badlands.

LtCmdrRobinson: Jax, I could totally take you.

STSF_Seiben: Not something I really want to do...

LtCdrJAX: yeah if I was drunk and you had help

STSF_KBear: NOr do I but what better place to hide something or someone

Joy: We should be able to locate the solar systems and heavy asteroid belts capable of sustaining a colony from outside.

STSF_Seiben: There are lots of asteroids in the area that might hide our signatures

Joy: But determining if something is in there or not takes a close look.

STSF_Seiben: ::nods his agrreance::

LtCmdrRobinson: ::Getting annoyed with all the work-talk behind them while they are trying to have a conversation::

STSF_KBear: HOw far in did you say our path will take us in?

STSF_Seiben: 6,2 light years

STSF_BluRox: ::pulls up scheduler to see when the last time they had held a social event, and makes a face.....noting only a late attempt at a holiday party last year::

LtCdrJAX: you couldn't take on yourself

Joy: A complete survey might prove impossible, but we might assume they didn't choose the worst and smallest possibilities.

LtCmdrRobinson: That's cause I'm too awesome

STSF_BluRox: Hmm, when we get a chance to take a break.I think we need to schedule a party..something with some dancing...that way Will and Jax could dance, but not feel awkward about it, with everyone else dancing....

LtCdrJAX: Awesomely stupid

STSF_KBear: IF they were trying to hide Bajorans they just might try fiding those places.

STSF_BluRox: Yes, I'll talk to Rian about setting up some sort of social event

STSF_Seiben: Perhaps.. if there still there after all these years..

Joy: But the colony was started when the war was being won.

STSF_Seiben: O RLY?

LtCmdrRobinson: awesomly stupid in a good way.

Joy: They weren't that desperate at the time they left.

STSF_BluRox: Ya'Rly

STSF_Seiben: <No wai>

LtCdrJAX: there is no such thing as it being in a good way.. you are mental

STSF_BluRox: <wai!>

STSF_Seiben: <d00d>

STSF_Seiben: .

LtCmdrRobinson: I hope HOdoublehockeysticksY flushes you out an airlock

STSF_KBear: JOy Several Bajorans were never heard from after the war ended. ITs suspected that they were taken from the concintration camps and relocated and not told the war was over.

LtCmdrRobinson: Go back to work.

STSF_Seiben: ::Double jhockey sticks?::

LtCdrJAX: ::Points at him:: THAT is just mean!!

LtCmdrRobinson: ::turns back to his bridge console and stares at it for a minute:: What the heck was I doing up here again?

STSF_BluRox: <dont' worry, no threat if those sticks belong to Toronto>

Joy: :: Nods to KBear ::

STSF_BluRox: <Oh Snap>

LtCdrJAX: ::Dead legs him::

STSF_Seiben: <Eh.. they could be from Philly :) >

STSF_Seiben: < :P >

Joy: :: Decides not to tell Will why he came ::

STSF_Seiben: <At least TO has a winning record>

STSF_Seiben: ::taps console::

LtCmdrRobinson: Jax, your messing me up, cant even remember what I was working on now, darn screensaver came on and I lost my page. ::looks at console::

STSF_BluRox: ACTION: Seiben's excessiv tapping of the console, breaks a button, sending a sharp shock into his little pinky finger

LtCdrJAX: Pog isn't work

STSF_Seiben: Ow.

STSF_KBear: ::thinks for a moment::

STSF_KBear: Whata wrong Hans?

STSF_KBear: *wahts

STSF_Seiben: <lol.. it was worth it, Philly's big losses are funny to watch. Especially BufalLO :P >

STSF_KBear: *whats

STSF_Seiben: I got shocked. Stupid console.

LtCdrJAX: ::Glances at Hans:: Breaking my ship

STSF_Seiben: Wot?

STSF_KBear: :;turns to Jax:: Hey Jax? can you get someone up here to fix the console please?

STSF_Seiben: <And I don;t even like Bufallo>

LtCmdrRobinson: Couldnt..umm Jax..umm fix it? Like totally.

LtCdrJAX: ::Looks at Wilma the Vally Girl::

STSF_KBear: She could but Ithought she was busy doming something For the Admiral

STSF_Seiben: Well, that is her job, eh?

LtCdrJAX: ::walks over to Hans::

STSF_BluRox: ACTION: As Seiben says something abotu the console, his chair, stressed from so much sitting in it, snaps off it's base, flipping him over onto his head::

LtCmdrRobinson: No Jax, that is Hans, that ::points:: is a console

LtCdrJAX: ::Checks out the broken button:: What are you doing here hitting it with a hammer?

STSF_Seiben: Waa!

STSF_Seiben: Ow

STSF_Seiben: ::Thud::

STSF_KBear: YIKES! Hans? Are you okay? ::stands to help him up::

LtCmdrRobinson: ::calls down to engineering and orders a team up before Hans breaks anything else::

LtCdrJAX: ::Snickers at Hans:: you OK?

STSF_Seiben: Yeah, I'm always ok

STSF_KBear: ::offers him her hand::

STSF_Seiben: ::gets up::

STSF_BluRox: ACTION; As Kanaia stands to help him, she takes a bad step, and steps on his shocked pinky

STSF_Seiben: Thanks.

STSF_Seiben: <lol>

STSF_Seiben: Ow!

STSF_KBear: Oh no Im sorry Hans

LtCmdrRobinson: OK, everyone should stop moving now. Bad things are happening.

LtCdrJAX: ::Smirks:: Maybe you should call it a day Hans

LtCdrJAX: ::Pops open Hans console::

STSF_KBear: :: trys again to help him up::

Joy: :: And no one has even mention She-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. ::

STSF_KBear: ::standing away from his hand this time.::

STSF_Seiben: YEak, not a good day for being a Flyer.

STSF_Seiben: <Will shut up now, lol>

LtCdrJAX: ::Fixes the wires and then the buttons::

LtCdrJAX: ::Closes the console and taps a few buttons::

LtCmdrRobinson: ::shakes his head::

STSF_KBear: Are you going to be o Hans or do you need to go to medical?


STSF_Seiben: NAh, it's ok. I'll survicve

LtCdrJAX: OK.. she is fixes.. try not to break it again

STSF_Seiben: Jawohl

LtCdrJAX: ::walks back over to her console::


STSF_BluRox: <good plan Hans>

STSF_Seiben: <oops>

LtCdrJAX: That you will have to put a work order in for,,

LtCmdrRobinson: Hans calm down, we can get more chairs.

STSF_BluRox: ACTION> Yeoman brings Hans a replacement stool

STSF_Seiben: ::tests the stool's rigitidy before sitting upon it::

STSF_BluRox: Yeoman> Sorry Sir, it's all I could get quickly, I borrowed it from the kindergarten down on deck 9.

LtCmdrRobinson: <should have just given him a milk crate to sit on :P >

STSF_KBear: <<LOLL>>

STSF_Seiben: Aww, now I can't reach my console/

STSF_BluRox: ACTION> Seat is about 6 inches off the floor

STSF_Seiben: Oh yes.. 'Shawna' ::Reads the name tag on the chair::

LtCdrJAX: ::Snickers at Hans and Points::

STSF_KBear: She took Schawans Chair??

STSF_Seiben: ::Shrugs::

LtCdrJAX: Nice Hans, stealing from Children

LtCdrJAX: ::Shakes head at him::

STSF_Seiben: The Commander's child at that. Soz.

STSF_KBear: Hans can you tell me how much longer until we get to the badlands?

STSF_Seiben: ::leans on the console in attempt to reach it:: Ahh.. 42 minutes

STSF_KBear: ::thinks to self:: I wonder if what I am looking for is in the badlands.

STSF_KBear: THanks Hans

STSF_BluRox: ::studying maps of when they had been in that area before during the war, and correlating known Jem Hadar spottings vs Those areas Joy has identified as places to check

STSF_Seiben: ::nods, leaning forward on the console, putting his legs up on te stool::

STSF_KBear: Careful Hans :looking over to him kneeling on the stool::

STSF_Seiben: <m> Could've just replicated another chair....

STSF_Seiben: Yeah, sure. I won't break your daughter's chair

STSF_BluRox: ACTION: A creaking noice is heard, as the legs strain and break off

LtCdrJAX: (w) ::Nudges Wilma:: I dare you to push him over

STSF_Seiben: Oof! Sorry.

STSF_BluRox: dropping Hans to his knees

LtCdrJAX: oh... never mind

LtCmdrRobinson: Don't have to. ::points::

STSF_BluRox: <way to go goldielocks>

STSF_Seiben: <lol>

STSF_KBear: ::puts hands over eyes trying not to giggle outload:: Are you ok??


LtCdrJAX: Hans, you need to stop eating all those donuts

LtCmdrRobinson: Hans, Destroyer of Chairs, Consoles and Worlds.


STSF_Seiben: ::Paused::


LtCdrJAX: ::Paused::

Joy: :: paused ::

LtCmdrRobinson: ::paused::

STSF_KBear: ::pausd::

STSF_Seiben: .

STSF_KBear: pass Hans

STSF_KBear: LOL Will you know better than to even MENTION Holly let alone spell her name out. ::giggles::

STSF_BluRox: Ok...so next week, we'll be well underway

Captain_Huff: Oh my good friend, Holly!

LtCmdrRobinson: :P

STSF_BluRox: Hey Huff

STSF_Seiben: Hey

LtCmdrRobinson: who let huff in?

STSF_BluRox: She still has a key

STSF_KBear: LOL shes been here a long time

Captain_Huff: the same person who is letting me put your pictures all over the internet

LtCmdrRobinson: ::gasps::

STSF_KBear: ::grind::

STSF_KBear: *Grins

LtCdrJAX: ::Snickers::

STSF_Seiben: Hope you ghave a good one

Captain_Huff: About half done...

Captain_Huff: Oh I got a lot of good ones

STSF_Seiben: Heh

Captain_Huff: ::watches them all run to their browser::

STSF_BluRox: I see it's looped back to the original bed themes....lol

LtCdrJAX: OMG I wish my Dad was a Mute

Sarvek_tJhiin: ::waves::

Captain_Huff: rofl, why ruin a good thing

STSF_BluRox: oh, before we chat too much...crew dismissed

STSF_BluRox: looking at more pictures now

STSF_KBear: LOL Night all

Captain_Huff: only about half up

LtCdrJAX: nite nite all

LtCmdrRobinson: ::thwaps huff and runs away::

Captain_Huff: don't waste time on galleries - had to temporarily pull a lot

LtCdrJAX: ::Thwapps Will::

STSF_KBear: adding to Vanroys site huff?

Captain_Huff: Vanroy has a site?

STSF_KBear: That link I gave you I though it was Vanroys

Captain_Huff: No, garnoopy

STSF_KBear: ok Garns site then

Captain_Huff: No, i[m just re-ordering his

STSF_KBear: ohhh okkayy ::has to go back and look::

STSF_BluRox: rofling...antisocial tubing

STSF_KBear: Night all

Captain_Huff: lol! my fav!

STSF_Seiben: Nighters

Sarvek_tJhiin: Antisocial tubing? Doesn't that go along with the "nerds out of the closet" by default?

Captain_Huff: It was... it just was.

STSF_BluRox: HEY! Mojo page is broken!

Sarvek_tJhiin: Shore Leave site?

STSF_BluRox: the super secret site, sorry

Sarvek_tJhiin: Aha, I suspected.

Captain_Huff: yes, many pages broken

Captain_Huff: temporarily

STSF_BluRox: fred broke them, didnt' he?

STSF_BluRox: hey, have to be up for work by 4, going to try to sleep some

Captain_Huff: lol, no no. yes, sleep

STSF_BluRox: catch you later

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