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Sendai Riko



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<div class="head1">Counseling?</div>

<div class="head2">Ensign Sendai Riko</div>

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As Riko settled into the plush chair in the Counselor's office awaiting the Vulcan's arrival, after being unceremoniously dumped there by Mn'stral, he contemplated his options for the umpteenth time since realizing that he'd somehow been spirited away from Kansas into Oz. To say that his usually calm and quiet demeanor had frayed would be an understatement of enormous proportions; to say that his mental state was chaotic wouldn't quite fully describe the state of anarchy. Panic, anger, confusion, fear: all were part of the emotional potpourri bouncing around inside his skull, plus some.






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All of it contributed to a grand bout of insomnia the prior night, and after the incident in the turbolift with HoD Mn'Stral under the infernal disco ball, he doubted he'd sleep tonight either without a sedative. Though the thought of getting a sedative from TroNoQ, along with the inevitable pink lollipop, forced him to reconsider that option. That said, however, he would much rather be in medical undergoing an intensive scan than sitting in the cushy chair waiting for the Vulcan.





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Between the effusive emotional display directed toward his wife, the excellent flying leap after the punching incident, not to mention the fact the Vulcan seemed incapable of speaking, Vanroy's behavior disturbed Riko much more than the Klingons'. Therefore, the man wasn't high on his list of people to see. However, refusing wouldn't help matters at all. He had no desire to be thrown into the brig, even though he imagined it would be much more lavish than those from his own universe.





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He would, Riko decided, have to play the thing out, and optimistically get through it as quickly as possible so he could make his way back to medical. Having much more advanced science training, relative to that of most security specialists, would hopefully get him out of this mess. A micro-cellular scan would be the key. His subatomic particles should resonate differently from that of people in this universe. That would be the proof. A solution, however, would be the hard part. But with the proof, perhaps even this pink, frilly crew could help him.










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