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Guest TParek


"It would be unacceptable."


Soval, ambassador from Vulcan to the Coalition of Planets, raised an eyebrow. "Perhaps you fail to consider the factor of Vulcan nationals being affected by this conflict as much as the rest of them."


The tone of T'Pau grew icy, even over the commlink. "Do not presume to assume that my co-councillors and I have not thoroughly examined all angles in the light of logic and reason, Ambassador. Our decision stands."


He stiffened, drawing himself up taller as he continued his attempt to reason with her. "Our data and schematics regarding the Romulan vessels, while being more than two centuries old, could still be of some assistance to the rest of the planets. I fail to see why we're keeping them in darkness on it."


"Any useful information will be carefully dispensed to them through cloaked methods," she said firmly.


"But they will not be allowed to examine the original research in a way that will assist them. They'll be subject to our coloration of the technology or biological remains."


The Vulcan minister raised an eyebrow. "Biological remains?" she asked, in disbelief. "Do you expect me to make a formal announcement to the Coalition as to the background of the Romulan people? While their paranoia and mistrust still runs thick, even united as they are now?"


"You're not necessarily in a position to gauge their reaction."


"The deeds of the past would repeat themselves. The Andorians and Tellaries would take the opportunity to bring about more of the same rivalries that have been all but ended, as of our alliance. As for the humans, they're likely to return to their xenophobic tendencies with the destruction of their colonies as it is. The very last thing they need now is to hear that their mentors in the galaxy are biologically the same species as those who instigated vicious attacks on their outposts."


"However, we are not the same species as the Romulans."


T'Pau shrugged. "It was under debate under the old government, whether or not they were. There were even -- and still are -- some people who still believe that reunification is a possibility. They are extremist, to be certain, but the fact remains that there are still some shadowy ties."


"Indeed. And this sort of subversion, if discovered, would only serve to further potential 'bad blood'." He leaned forward, his face hardened. "If you choose this path, I would assume you're prepared to finish it. Even if not now, the truth will be discovered, and it will be our people who suffer from the consequences of the Vulcan council's decision. I, personally, do not concur with your path; it only brings us closer those that we vehemently assert not to be."


"We will not compromise our position within the Coalition to satisfy your conscience, Soval." She glanced offscreen before returning a neutral look to the elder Vulcan. "Affairs of state call. We will notify you of any changes in policy we may decide upon. Until then, peace and long life."

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