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GromVik's Logs: "Longing For Aegis"

GromVik's Logs

Lieutenant Commander GromVik

Acting Commanding Officer, USS Crowell

"Longing for Aegis"



Computer, Open Personal Log.


It's been three months now, and I find myself weary of command.  Star Fleet Headquarters told me that these assignments would only be temporary, but there has been no word from them as far as a permanent replacement goes.  This last week, I actually found myself longing to return back to my home, Aegis.  Aegis is where my heart is, where I grew up as an officer, where, should providence dictate I shall end my career.

 Yet, I have experienced some amazing things in my command of this small vessel.  Right away SFHQ immersed me into a precarious role.  Colony 7466, a rather remote colony near the Star Fleet boundaries, sent an urgent distress call.  The Crowell happened to be the only vessel in the region, so command ordered us to investigate.  Upon arrival three vessels of unknown origin ambushed us.  We took heavy damage during the first few minutes of the battle.  Our only means of escape was a nearby nebula which would render energy based weapons useless and would disable our shields.

 I found myself in a similar situation when I was under Captain Bulloc.  The Pandora's Box was attacked, and her only option was a nearby nebula.  I ordered repairs to begin, wondering if the enemy vessels would follow.  They did.  I ordered the con to take us deeper into the nebula, letting the situation roll through my head.  I could conclude no feasible way out.  Our weapons were useless, our shields not able to be used in the nebula...what could I do?

 Then it hit me.  We possessed two shuttles on board.  Don't get me wrong, it's not usually my policy to use such tactics, but given the situation, I decided my actions to be necessary and warranted.  We launched both shuttles unmanned, and controlled them from the Crowell.  The first task was to find these vessels.  Fortunately that was not a difficult task.  All three vessels were together.  They searched through the nebula like mice looking for cheese in a maze.  

 The plan was to ram one shuttle into the warp drive unit of one of the vessels, hoping to create an energy leak.  Then the other shuttle would power up her phasers and ignite the leak, thus destroying one vessel and hoping the shock wave would disable or destroy the other two without destroying the Crowell in the process.

 The plan could not have gone any smoother.  Upon impact of the first shuttle a large plasma leak developed.  I ordered the Crowell to make her way full speed out of the nebula to get a jump on the shock wave that was imminent.  The second shuttle, as planned, ignited the plasma, destroying the damaged vessel and creating a powerful shock wave as an effect.  

 The wave was stronger than anticipated.  As the Crowell neared the fringe of the nebula, two more large explosions were seen, presumable the other two vessels.  Yet, there was no time to celebrate, for the shock wave rushed towards the Crowell.  As soon as we exited the nebula, we went into warp, narrowly missing the shock wave by three seconds or less.  Providence was on our side on that day.  It turns out, these alien species destroyed the colony and they sent the distress signal in order to score a larger victory for their species.  

 SFHQ is not sure what gripes they have with the Federation, but obviously they are serious enough that the species would ambush a Star Fleet vessel.  There are countless other stories and adventures that I could spend hours recounting...yet as I said, my heart longs to return to the Renc wing...the Renc wing.  Perhaps it's the seclusion, perhaps the stress is less, but whatever drives my heart is strong, and I have petitioned SFHQ for my return to Aegis.


End Personal Log.

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