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Cptn Neptune

An Empty Seat

Rex found himself amid a surplus of Starfleet, Andorian, Tellerite and Vulcan command officers. Not something he’d exactly prepared himself for, but not an unwelcome sight; in these times of peril it was comforting to see officers of all four fleets able to come together with out trying to kill each other.


The room was partitioned into sections, placing each of the various species in their own area; Rex found his seat in the UES section, next to an empty seat marked “Hernandez.” Thinking for a few moments, he recalled that the Captain of the Columbia, which had been dispatched to investigate the sudden silence of Earth Outpost 4, was named Hernandez; apparently they expected her back in time for the meeting.


At the fore of the room, top brass from all four fleets sat talking amongst themselves grimly—whatever news they had for them, it was as bleak as Gardner had made it sound in his communiqué.


With most of the room seated, a Starfleet Admiral, Rex recognized her as Vice-Admiral Krista Naovonna, stepped to the podium in the center of the brass table at the head of the room on the raised platform.


“Good evening,” her dialect distinctly Russian, “This briefing will now commence. I remind you this briefing is classified.”


She looked down to a set of notes before beginning. “I am sure many of you are wondering why you are here, and why you’re being briefed with your peers in the various space agencies of the Coalition. To answer that question I shall first turn you over to Andorian Admiral Nuzin.”


With a polite nod, the tall, blue Andorian took Naovonna’s place behind the podium. “Thank you Admiral,” he said firstly. “In the interests of time, I will, as our human friends would say ‘cut to the chase.’”


There was a small amount of laughter about the room, briefly cutting the solemnity of the room. Smiling slight Nuzin continued. “In light of events that Admiral Gardner of the United Earth will be briefing you on shortly, the various government of the Coalition of Planets voted unanimously in an emergency summit held just hours ago to form a joint defensive force to protect our vested interests in intergalactic peace. To further that aim, it was decided to hold this meeting in order to foster unity between our various command units…”


The Andorian continued for a few more minutes, but Rex found himself more interested in what Gardner was going to say. An event that would cause the Coalition governments to act unilaterally meant that it was worse than Rex had imagined. There was only one event he could think off the top of his head…


“Again,” Gardner said, “I extend my thanks to my Andorian colleague for his introduction and explanatory statement.”


Rex looked over noticing Hernandez’s seat was still empty before looking back to the podium.


“Unfortunately I do not have the pleasure of announcing news of peaceful co-existence and mutual cooperation between sovereign neighbors, allies and friends.” Gardner’s tone had grown darker than usual, and the room whispered quietly in angst. “Rumors have begun to spread that a number of Coalition positions in the outlying territories have been compromised—those rumors are completely true.”


A pit had begun to form in Neptune’s stomach by then, and he swallowed hard. “War,” he whispered softly.


“Approximately seven days ago,” Gardner continued. “The Vulcan relay station on Khaz Minor lost contact with the UES base EO-4. In response, Starfleet Command dispatched the UES Columbia to investigate. According to our last contact with Columbia the entire station had been ransacked by an alien force, and the entire crew of EO-4 butchered.”


Silence, followed by more whispers. “We’ve been unable to raise Columbia since their last transmission, and they are presumed MIA.”


Unconsciously Rex’s eyes flittered towards the empty seat. “Missing,” he said. “Now I understand.”


“This event alone,” Gardner continued on, “would not precipitate this meeting. However, less than 72-hours ago three more Coalition positions have befallen a similar fate to EO-4, utterly razed.”


The whispering had grown louder. Finally a voice echoed towards the podium, “Do we know who’s responsible?”


Holding a hand to the collected commanders, asking for silence Gardner shook his head slightly. “Not officially,” he said flatly. “However intelligence experts for the Andorian Empire and Vulcan analysts have suggested that this the work of the Romulan Star Empire.”


Again silence. The Romulans? Surely they couldn’t mount such a strike against the Coalition, could they? Before Gardner could continue, Naovonna appeared once more, saying something quietly into his ear. After replying to her and giving a comitial nod, he exited abruptly, leaving Naovonna at the podium


“I am afraid that we will have to adjourn this briefing,” she said calmly. “However, there will be a town-meeting session of Coalition forces held in a few hours. You may contact your superior officers for more information. I remind you, this briefing is classified. Good day.”

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