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The Blu Prints

LtJGDaveJohnson: QUACK!!

LtJGDaveJohnson: AFLAC!

STSF_BluRox: Ok, glad to see you all are having fun with the ducks ::rolls eyes::

LtJGDaveJohnson: Now now will if you bother my superior I will shoot you again or sick my duck on you

LtCmdrRobinson: letting venomous ducks loose on the ship and all...shame shame just wait until Blu mutates YOU into a duck, dave. She's done evil things like that before

LtJGDaveJohnson: She wouldn't mutate me into a duck, I'm not the one killing them

STSF_BluRox: I've never turned anyone into a duck

LtCmdrRobinson: and then blames the "dice"...hehehe :D

LtCmdrRobinson: not ducks yet, wasps and crabs though

STSF_BluRox: <dont' forget the spiders>

Blu> Hmmm, ducks?! ::ponders both Mutating and Marinating::


22:06:03 STSF_KBear: test now??

22:06:09 STSF_Seiben: test

22:06:10 LtCmdrRobinson: testies

Blu> ::Will taking a course in anatomy recently::



22:13:17 STSF_BluRox: The USS Republic has just spoken to one of the Leget's at Cardassia Prime’s Provisional Government Center about a humanitarian mission they'd been sent on, to search for, and see if any former Federation colonists, that chose to stay when the Cardassian boundries changed in the earlier peace treaties, had survived the Jem Haddar and Breen invasion and wished to be repatriated.

22:13:33 STSF_BluRox: <holy run on sentance Batman>

22:14:11 Joy: :: Engages extended capability language parser ::

22:14:21 STSF_BluRox: After some initial protest by the Cardassian government, and our leaving a small stockpile of medical supplies at Cardassia Prime, we were granted

22:15:28 Dr._Maxwell: <<Crap crap. I forgot about my laundry. Be back in a few>>

22:15:54 STSF_BluRox: permission to scout and scan for surviving colonists.

Blu> ::sigh:: Defeated by the dreaded fabric softener before we even begin!


22:14:51 STSF_KBear: <<::cursing the thunderstorm outside::>>

22:15:06 Joy: << At least it isn't inside >>

Blu> Stay tuned for “Local on the 8’s”


22:17:08 STSF_Seiben: :on the Oira::

22:17:44 STSF_KBear: << :: pokes Seiben,, :: wrong ship>>

22:17:49 STSF_BluRox: <lol sieben>

22:17:55 STSF_Seiben: <D'oh!>

22:18:13 LtCdrJAX: <<Spy!! String him up!!>>


22:18:27 Joy: :: Heading towards main security ::

22:18:47 LtCdrJAX: <<do you really want to head there Joy...?>>

Blu> Security, enter at your own risk. (1. Shot, 2. Will’s Moldy Toast collection,

3. Brig rations <see the aforementioned toast collection>, 4. Ducks in a Brig)


22:19:30 STSF_BluRox: CO> ::reading reports in her ready room, rubbing her head, gets up and goes to get a drink of water::

22:19:41 STSF_BluRox: <is also getting drink of water irl, brb> lol

Blu> Glad I didn’t have to go to the powder room, half the sim would have been afk.


22:20:34 Joy: Hello commander. Sorry. However, I may have done something improper, and perhaps I should turn myself in.

22:22:05 LtCmdrRobinson: ::motions to Joy to hold on a minute::

22:22:41 Joy:: Wonders if he has someone more important to arrest? ::

22:23:29 LtCmdrRobinson: (Honestly Joy, I dont think Ive ever arrested anyone. I always shot them first)

Blu> Joy, you may want to change your mind and plead the 5th here.


22:23:24 STSF_KBear: +Will+ Your Head of Sec and do not know whats going on?

Blu> Does he ever?


22:24:02 Dr._Maxwell: <<Okay, I'm back>>

22:15:28 Dr._Maxwell: <<Crap crap. I forgot about my laundry. Be back in a few>>

Blu> 9 minute softener run, methinks he made himself a sandwich too.


22:24:23 LtCmdrRobinson: +Kawalas+ Sorry Commander, but I have this thing about ducks... I'm trying to stay away from this mess

22:24:58 STSF_KBear: +Will+ Please find out whats going on with these so called mean ducks And inform me later.

Blu> This week….. “Attack of the Ducks” next week “Carnies on a Cruise Ship”.


22:25:13 LtJGDaveJohnson: +Jax+ I will head down there at once ma'am, I also have a request, I know its unorthodox, but I would like to assist Joy in the Duck Lab when the most pressing dianostic is finished. I may not be a scientist but I am curious about this duck that bit me

22:25:55 LtCdrJAX: +Johnson+ oh you mean last nights dinner... he was tasty

22:26:09 LtCmdrRobinson: ((its the Joy Memorial Duck Lab.... only on the Republic :D ))

22:26:20 LtJGDaveJohnson: +Jax+ Are you certain it was the duck that bit me ma'am?

Blu> I still think it was Jax that bit him……


22:26:46 Dr._Maxwell: ::Opens a drawer in his desk:: And this is where I use to keep my old bottle of... well... my old bottle of stress reliever

22:27:25 STSF_BluRox: <Maxwell's stress reliever....Jack Daniel's Old #7>


22:28:16 LtCmdrRobinson: So you sent a couple of ducks down to the cardassians? I’m not following. Go ahead, and report back to me later

Blu> Ducks in a Transporter!

22:28:28 LtCdrJAX: ::Glad she has nothing more to do with the whole Duck mess,


22:30:32 STSF_Seiben: ::rubs his nose::

22:30:48 Cdr_Rian_Kwai: Problem, Mr Seiben?

22:31:53 Cdr_Rian_Kwai: ::glad she doesn't have to take Seiben's station after watching him scratch his nose;:

22:32:12 LtCdrJAX: <<picker!!>>

22:32:25 STSF_Seiben: ::just rubbed it with his knuckle, tyvm::

Blu> Such a classy sim! Someone pass the boy a spanner, that should do the job for him


22:38:00 STSF_BluRox: and I have to ask myself.....HOW THE Heck DOES Starfleet and half the Alpha Quadrant Know the happenings of the last duty shift, before even myself had been briefed?

22:39:18 LtCmdrRobinson: (sorry Blu, we put some videos of the duck attacking Dave on YouTube, I guess starfleet must have been browsing the website :D )

Blu> Dude!! YouTube p’wns Memory Prime!


22:42:06 STSF_Seiben: ::Looks at the Ready Room door. FEels a disturbance in the force, telling him that now might now be a good time...::

Blu> Come Sieben…..join the dark side…..Oh wait, you already have <STSF Sieben>

Starts counting the others on the ship…..Wait, we’re actually an Imperial Star Destroyer!


LtCmdrRobinson: Cant you see that I am busy? ::playing minesweeper on a padd::

22:47:00 LtCdrJAX: Didn't you get the Memo? the one that said we had to get the ducks and move them

22:48:36 LtCmdrRobinson: I'll ummm... assign some people to that right away.

22:48:45 LtCdrJAX: ::Smiles:: scared? Little Willy scared of the little duckies?

22:49:13 LtCdrJAX: ::Ducks the PADD::

Blu> Quack…..Duck as an verb!


22:51:32 LtJGDaveJohnson: ::see's ducks everywhere walking around quacking::

Blu> I see Peking Duck! <bets they don’t’ get it>


22:53:35 LtCmdrRobinson: +Dave+ TRANSPORTERS! Use the transporters! This is not an animal control office. I think I'm getting an ulcer.

Blu> Welcome to my world……


22:54:15 LtCdrJAX: ::Laughs at Will:: Umm can I ask why you don't like them?

22:54:55 LtCmdrRobinson: have you seen them? take a good look at them, they are freaky looking and venomous.

Blu> And that’s just what he thinks of engineers


22:55:02 Cdr_Rian_Kwai: ::listening to the shipwide chatter:: <m>Wonder if they've ever heard of force fields in security.

Blu> This is why she’s the 2XO


22:57:25 Joy: :: Does not look happy. ::I am not in the mood for games.

Blu> Crap, there goes Bingo Night in the Lounge…. Then again, Joy keeps getting stuck

On the number 12.


22:59:52 LtJGDaveJohnson: ::to Joy:: How about we head for the lounge and I buy you a nice glass of water

23:01:07 STSF_Seiben: <Glass of water? Wow,Johnson. Big spender! B) >

Blu> Watch it girls, next he’ll be wanting to go dutch…..


23:01:16 LtJGDaveJohnson: ::to Joy:: I can see this is going to take more than just one glass of water

Blu> Watches Dave order her a double….water


23:03:58 LtCmdrRobinson: well don’t be ordering anyone to shoot anyone, OK?

Its my job: I don’t go around telling people how do smarty engineer things, now do I?

Blu> Uhm, I don’t think we have much worry about you doing that, now do we?


23:03:52 STSF_BluRox: Captain Kania Kawalas, due to your blatant disregard for the safety of the Cardassian peoples, as well as endangering your own crew and crewmembers, you are hereby demoted in rank to Lt Commander. You are dismissed.

23:04:17 Captain_Huff: <<Wow! What good timing I have!>>

23:04:24 STSF_Seiben: <<heh>>

23:04:26 STSF_KBear: LT CMDR!??

23:04:28 LtJGDaveJohnson: <<jeez>>>

23:04:41 Cdr_Rian_Kwai: ((Ouch ::winces::P)

23:04:58 STSF_KBear: I give them 2 ducks and I get demoted to Lt Cmdr?

23:05:20 Captain_Huff: <<should have kept your ducks in a row? hahaha>>

Blu> Ok Huff, I demoted her, send me my $20 bucks!


23:07:55 STSF_BluRox: Now, how many actually noticed that Kania got demoted..lol?

23:08:01 LtJGDaveJohnson: ::raises hand::

23:08:03 Captain_Huff: That was cool!

23:08:06 LtCdrJAX: Me!!

23:08:07 Cdr_Rian_Kwai: I did. Poor thing.

23:08:07 LtJGDaveJohnson: And its my fault too

23:08:08 STSF_Seiben: Wasn't hard to miss.

23:08:09 STSF_BluRox: <nobody is safe>

23:08:18 LtCdrJAX: So Kwai out ranks her now?

23:08:25 STSF_Seiben: That's her second demotion I think. At least whilst I've been here

23:08:26 STSF_KBear: ::nods:: Yep

23:08:33 LtJGDaveJohnson: If I hadn't opened that crate none of it would have happened

Blu> Ok, so Dave, Jax and Will are all willing to share the blame with her….Neat! ::rubs paws together:::


23:08:43 Captain_Huff: It's been so long since I did a demotion, I forgot who and when it was... Wow, I need to do one now!

23:09:04 STSF_Seiben: <Uh oh....>

23:09:15 Captain_Huff: Forgot how much fun it was!

Blu> Sorry to those on the Hood and Qob:::well, not really you have Quint, Kresh, and NDak:: LOL


23:09:50 Cdr_Rian_Kwai: N'Dak gets demoted all the time. It's to be expected.

23:09:53 STSF_BluRox: <!! you're right Kwai..you're so smart


23:10:15 Joy: It was supposed to be a comic relief log....

23:10:28 STSF_BluRox: I thought it was funny!

23:10:35 LtCmdrRobinson: Kbear is just lucky we dont hand out demotions for bad typing. What is less then a cadet?

23:10:44 STSF_Seiben: CJAN

23:10:59 LtCdrJAX: Janitor?

23:11:15 STSF_KBear: LOL HUSH Folks stop giving her more ideas


23:11:21 Joy: I was hoping that comic relief logs could be written without interstellar implications. :)

23:11:29 Captain_Huff: No no, it was a good idea.

23:11:55 Captain_Huff: This is a Blurox sim, Joy... You should know better.

Blu> Loves interstellar implications….


23:11:56 LtJGDaveJohnson: And to think I was gonna write a log about her daughter finding Happy

Blu> ::watches as Dave brings about the untimely death of an NPC:::


23:12:07 LtCmdrRobinson: apologies, my fault. I never should have mentioned venomous duck eggs. Apologies all around :(

Blu> Note to self: Find reason to demote Will


23:12:26 LtCdrJAX: and I egged him on

Blu> Bad Jax, that was bad. Makes note to demote her for bad pun…


23:12:26 LtJGDaveJohnson: I was the one who opened the crate will

Blu> And him….just for principle


23:12:39 LtJGDaveJohnson: and Jax told me to find duck eggs in there

23:12:54 LtJGDaveJohnson: I was the one who asked her whether I could find duck eggs

Blu> Watches his reversal at trying to pin it on his supervisor, notes the kid has initiative and perhaps what it makes to make command track

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