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The following is joint log by Laarell, K'Vorlag, and myself, which occurs at the conclusion of last sim, concurrent with the escape of the Scorpiad fighter...


“I believe the Scorpiad are seeking an orb,” the Klingon governor claimed.


Captain Sorehl looked toward Laarell, whom he had just introduced to the secured lower decks of Camelot Station, then back toward the static-filled image onscreen. It would seem K’Vorlag had drawn on his background in Intelligence to tap into a frequency previously used by the Federation ATAG beacon at New Bajor. His report on conditions at the Bajoran colony was the first update in weeks.


The Orion turned her head curiously, not certain that she had understood K'Vorlag entirely correctly. Orbs, she wondered, as in the Bajorans' orbs? She might even call the prospect fascinating.


“I’m afraid I don’t follow,” Sorehl admitted.


“The Scorpiad fleet is holding steady near the asteroid field between the sixth and seventh planets,” he began. Several weeks ago, K’Vorlag and his scoutship had infiltrated the New Bajor system under cloak to learn more about the Scorpiad attack. His last report had revealed the colony was, contrary to previous Romulan transmissions, relatively unmolested. Aside from orbital bombardment in outlying regions and the loss of all space-based assets, the Scorpiad had almost ignored them. Their ships had been holding position, attacking only incoming and outgoing craft.


The screen fizzled, prompting Laarell to adjust the gain. She keyed into the power controls, readjusting them to boost the communications. Odd, in a way, to be adjusting the power flows to Top Secret Installation Numero Uno the same way you would take a holodeck offline.


“Their position is of no tactical significance,” the Klingon continued as the picture cleared, “but they seem to be looking for something out there.” He glanced aside, as if uncertain about his next statement. “There is something of a legend among the Bajorans about how this system was chosen as their first colony in the Gamma Quadrant.”


Sorehl straightened, suppressing his skepticism at the word 'legend'. “Go on,” he proffered.


“A vedek joined the colony ship, claiming an orb vision would direct him. When the Bajorans surveyed this system, he claimed it was foreordained for them,” K’Vorlag explained. “Blessed and made pure by a single tear of the Prophets.”


Sorehl had heard a similar story before. The Bajoran colonists on Sarejvante claimed that thousands of years earlier, they had followed an orb floating through space – a ‘miraculous director’ that had led them through the Badlands to the well-hidden colony. “But none of the orbs is missing,” the captain countered. “The Cardassians returned the last as part of the peace treaty.”


“The last known orb,” K’Vorlag corrected. “In the years that followed, the vedek believed they were protected by another, unseen.”


“Do we have some record of this?” Laarell asked, skeptical herself. "After all, such a story would be well-documented, would it not?"


“We can’t ask him. Vedek Jarid died fighting the Jem’Hadar when they wiped out the colony eight years ago. His writings were destroyed, as well. It seems this missing orb didn’t protect them very well.” He barked at his own joke.


“I fail to see how this connects to the Scorpiad,” Sorehl admitted.


“The asteroids surrounding the system float through a weakly-charged plasma field,” K’Vorlag added.


"Like the Donorias belt," Laarell noted, raising an eyebrow, "where the original orbs were found, near Bajor."


“And the Scorpiad are looking for something out there,” the Klingon responded.


Sorehl stepped back, turning away. “Your logic is specious,” he challenged. “The Scorpiad have no prior knowledge of the Bajorans. We have no reason to suspect they hunt an orb based on modern folklore.”


The Klingon onscreen scowled, folding his arms. “Typical Vulcan. You have it backward again,” he taunted. “The Scorpiad prove there must be something out there. And I’m going to find out what. K’Vorlag out.”


The signal cut off abruptly.


“He seems rather sure of himself, even for a Klingon,” Laarell observed.


Sorehl nodded. “It is one of his defining characteristics.” He turned back toward the console. “I shall have to advise the admiral, but first, I should transfer paramaters of the Argus II array to your post…”


“Command Center to Captain Sorehl,” came the voice of Lieutenant Commander Sprint.


Interestingly, Laarell observed, the Vulcan captain did not hit his commbadge in response. Instead, he thumbed a control panel on the wall. “This is Sorehl,” he answered.


“Sir, I’m sorry to disturb you, but Excalibur has just gone to alert,” Sprint reported.


Sorehl glanced toward Laarell as she instinctively got to her feet, an expression piqued by curiosity and worry crossing her face. He pressed the button again. "Do we know the cause?" he asked.


“No, sir, I’m not getting a response,” Sprint replied.


Sorehl nodded to the Orion operations officer. Her intention to get over to her ship and to her post was more than evident. “Keep trying, Corris,” he ordered. “Advise me when you get something. Sorehl out.” He let go of the button. “Computer, restore this lift to service and enable umbilical passthrough to Excalibur.”


Laarell took a few steps towards the turbolift, waiting for Sorehl before entering. "I must say that I appreciate Starfleet's trust to reveal this kind of and installation -- and intel -- to me. But I must say... it does boggle the mind to have this kind of a revelation..." Just when you think you're beginning to have your job figured out...

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