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Nicolas Lepage

The Homicidal Bacterium

Nick woke up suddenly and ran a hand over his face. He tried to remember the dream he'd just had.

There had been a Rixian and a giant bacterium brandishing a knife trying to stab the Rixian who had kept running away. Out of nowhere a few Gorn materialized and stood between the bacterium and the Rixian. And then there had been Patti, one of the nurses. She had stood next to Nick, talking relentlessly, blaming him for the bacterium's attack on the Rixian. Suddenly, Commander Hawke had come running towards the scene. She had just stood there and looked at everyone in turn. As soon as her eyes had fallen on someone their head had exploded...first Patti's, the the Gorns'. Sickbay had looked like a war zone with blood stains on the walls. The bacterium had still been running around amid the chaos, randomly stabbing at medical personnel. The sickbay doors had opened and Captain Ayers had entered. There had been a blood stain on his chest. When the bacterium had seen the Captain it had run toward him but before it had reached Ayers Commander Hawke had looked at it. Her face had looked strained and then... the bacterium had exploded, too, drenching Ayers in water and cell organelles. Nick had tried to run, hoping the Commander wouldn't look at him next but his feet seemed to be made of lead. He couldn't move. This was when he had woken up.


Nick sat up, looked at the chrono and groaned. For once he had managed to go to bed at a reasonable time. After his shift Finn and he had gone to the midway to drink a beer and talk about the day. Then Nick had gone straight to his quarters, taken a shower, eaten something and gone to bed. It hadn't taken him long to fall asleep. And now it was 2 am and he was already awake.


He got up and walked toward the replicator. 'Water 4°C'. Nick picked up the glass that materialized and sat down on the couch. He drank the water and put the glass on the table in front of him. Then he leaned back, closed his eyes and massaged his temples. What a stupid dream.


Nick opened his eyes and got up suddenly. He had to get some sleep. There was no way he'd be able to survive another day like the last. He fell into bed drew the blanket up to his chin and fell asleep almost at once.

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