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Emotion Chip Instabilities and Ducks

Subject : Emotion Chip Instabilities and Ducks

From : Ambassador Joy Two, Mudd Consulate, Sky Harbor Aegis

To : Admiral Blurox, USS Republic

CC : Admiral Goran, Sky Harbor Aegis

Security Level : Secret




I have recently received communications from a citizen of my planet, currently serving upon USS Republic in the position of duck herder. She seems to have found herself in a questionable legal position, and sought my advice. As you may know, our people are required to obey legal orders from their valid chain of command, and yet are not allowed to kill or injure sentient beings without specific legal orders from the valid chain of command. These directives are of course morally proper and consistent with Starfleet tradition and doctrine, yet problems arise when a questionably legal order is issued that might cause injury or death.


In the case of your duck herd, an order was given to select the two most aggressive ducks in the herd, and a need for haste was specified. These ducks were to be brought to the cargo bay for inclusion in a war disaster relief shipment being sent to the surface of Cardassia Prime. It was only after the transmission that the duck herder realized the avians were not properly secured, and no adequate warning was being provided for the proper and safe handling of these highly aggressive creatures. Thus, the question arises if the orders received were legal, and whether a sentient being might plausibly be injured as a result of the improper release of ducks.


I have reviewed recent Council authorizations. To my knowledge, no state of war exists between the Federation and Cardassia, and no current individual mission authorizations seem to involve the release of poisonous ducks. The weapons system and its deployment seem to be by nature offensive. At least, I am having difficulties imagining that this deployment of ducks was an act of self defense, intended to protect the USS Republic from some clear and present Cardassian threat. If this is the case, if USS Republic is committing offensive action against Cardassia, you should have coordinated with Admiral Goran, in whose command area you are operating. If the duck assault was still deemed necessary and proper, authorization by Council should have been sought. Offensive use of force requires authorization by civilian command authorities.


Except I cannot perceive of myself standing before Ambassador Dukor apologizing for what may be the galaxy's smallest yet act of war. It seems prudent to pretend the two avians were named 'Sweet' and 'Sour,' and leave it at that.


Still, to resolve an ongoing emotion chip instability in a citizen of Mudd, I must request that you launch whatever level of investigation is deemed necessary to determine if charges should be pressed against duck herder Joy Twelve. Her emotion chip state will be unresolved until she knows whether charges will be pressed, and how she should behave should similar circumstances arise in the future.


That is, assuming similar circumstances come up with the future. I would hope they do not.


Ambassador Joy Two

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There is a follow up to "Emotion Chip Instabilities and Ducks" over on the USS Republic boards, Cardassia and a Rose. It is another cross over log, straddling both sims, but this one was a bit more Republic than Aegis. It didn't quite feel right to double post it.


Anyway, it is there if anyone is curious.

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