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Here Goes Nothing

“Here Goes Nothing”

Stardate 0608.13

Lieutenant Tandaris Admiran



Tandaris rubbed his eyes. He had managed to get a few hours of sleep, but it had not really been sufficient. He sipped at his coffee and looked over his data. It would be ready soon.


His job right now was to further investigate the mysterious, presumably Scorpiad, device. As it was apparently able of two-way communications, they planned to turn it against the Scorpiads by feeding it disinformation. In order to do this, however, Tandaris had to first learn what made it tick. It was a simple device, in its own way. It could not eavesdrop on audio or visual signals; it could only tap into computer systems. But it was very good at what it did. The device was able to monitor over a thousand input feeds simultaneously, meaning that if he wanted to fool it, Tandaris would have to be creative.


The data on the console was promising. If it was correct, he believed that he could interface it with the computer and then feed it falsified optronic data generated by the program that he was writing. The hardest part would be preventing the device from sensing that this data was fake.


“Okay, let's just hope you're smarter than its software,” Tandaris said to his program. The program did not talk back, which surprised Tandaris, because he was precisely at the point in his sleep cycle when such an event might actually happen. He gulped down the rest of his cold coffee and put the finishing touches on the program.


Tandaris smiled. “Here goes nothing,” he said. He did not interface the device not yet—the computer was still taking scans and running diagnostics. But soon, and then he would see if his gamble succeeded.

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