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Guest TroNoQ

"Thinking Too Much"

Pieu-Pieu sat at his table, alone in the Mess except for his little dung beetle and his own thoughts.


Why did the crew of this nice little ship seem to run off whenever a Shakaarian came into the room? They had a bad reputation, but why? Surely not just because of their smell -- few people wouldn't like their eau. It was what made Shakaarians what they were! And besides, it had a nice, earthy aroma that made their people feel at home wherever they went.


So why were their people lonely on the ship?




Tro'NoQ stared at the door for a long while after the ship's hellion disappeared off into the corridors with his mother.




What demons of Sto'Vo'Kor had sent that beast to plague the ship? What high crimes against the universe had been committed to bring down wrath like that?!


Tro'NoQ couldn't abide impudent children. They had no right to speak to their betters and elders in the ways they always seemed to enjoy so.


Enter bloodworms.


Harmless little creatures that just removed toxins from the blood. Scared the hell out of said impudent children, though.


He already had his excuse in place in the event that the little nightmare awoke spouting tales of Qel Torture. Besides, who'd believe a child over Tro'NoQ?


He couldn't help but grin a little toothy grin.

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