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Guest TParek

"Keeping Watch"

T'Parek again found herself in the command chair, a few padds in her hands as she glanced up at the planet below.


Now that you have had a glimpse of sitting in the comfortable chair, you're treated to a taste of the coordinating paperwork. Touche.


Adding an electronic signature to the final leave request padd, she sat back, handing the little stack to a passing yeoman.


Done with the pressing issues of getting the crew down to the planet to take part in their brandy-induced, the Vulcan focused her attention to the reddish-purple world they orbitted.


There was msot likely some sort of alcohol-induced chaotic revelry taking place on the surface, something T'Parek was rather glad she was not a part of. After all, the crew would need someone sober on the ship when they all came home, hungover...

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