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Sean Xiang

"Maybe it was the brandy..."

Sean felt the slight thump as the shuttlepod settled onto the strip outside one of the major cites of Sauria. He looked out the small viewport, taking in what was around him. It was late evening planetside, and it was already pitch dark. Pitch dark, that was, except for the lights of the city. He stood and began to make his way to the rear as the hatch hissed and began to drop.


As he walked down the exit ramp, the sounds of the nearby metro area began to filter into his ears. As he began to walk among the natives along the streets, the smells and sights began to fill his nose and eyes. It was quite the atmosphere. This is a people known for their brandy, he reminded himself, it was no shock that the nightlife was alive and active.


But the nightlife was not what Sean was looking for, very much to opposite really. He turned down a side street and cut across a small park area until he found himself on a dimly lit path making its way beside a large structure.


As the path brought him around to the front of the building, the lighting became brighter and again he found himself amidst the locals. He looked up at the building spanning upwards in front of him. The structure was impressive, its architecture was very well done, especially considering how old this building must have been.


He made his way up the wide stairs that led to the main entrance. He paused for a moment at the archway to the entrance, turning to view the throbbing city behind him. Then, he turned back to the quiet behind him and entered into the building. He strode between the many tall shelves of books and records, looking for nothing in particular. Occasionally he would pass another, the usual polite nods and smiles, mixed with strange looks from the reptilian people who inhabited this world.


Finally making a few selections from the shelves he moved to a large table and sat. Opening the first, and possibly the oldest out of those he selected, book he settled in for a quiet, uneventful night.




Two hours later, Sean was standing in front of one of the shelves, replacing one of the books he had finished with. He had just slide it back into place when he felt something sliding across his face. Her hands moved gently across his eyes, her skin soft against his face. He did not flinch, he merely waited for what was coming next.


Her lips moved to just beside his ear, her breath warm against his neck as she spoke. “Sean, what the hell are you doing here?” She said quietly.


He smiled at the voice, knowing her hands felt the expression cross his face. “I am conducting research.” He said as she retracted her hands, and moved to lean against one of the large tables behind them. He turned, laying eyes on the body which the voice had come from. “The better question is what are you doing here, Alesha.”


She returned his smile, her eyes finding his. “As sad as it sounds, I knew I would find you here.”


“You say that as if it’s a bad thing.”


“You’re on leave Sean.” She quirked an eyebrow to emphasize her point. “And you are in a…library?”


“You know me, Alesha, knowledge is power.” He smirked, quoting the old adage as he moved to lean against the table beside her.


“I agree,” she responded. “But this,” she spread her hands as she stood to indicate the books around them. “This is not the only form of knowledge, Sean.” She turned to look at him.


He leaned back, considering the woman in front of him. She was a junior science officer on Challenger, as he was. The two often crossed paths on their ways to their respective shifts and about the ship in various places. They were exact opposites, but somehow had managed to develop an odd sort of friendship. “I take it you have a better idea?”


She smiled mischievously, looking like a small child with a secret. “Would I have come to collect you if I didn’t?


“And here I thought you had come just to see me.” He quirked his face into a mock hurt face.


She walked over, crossing her arms. “Two hours, give me two hours.”


“Ok, Alesha, two hours…..”




Three hours later, Sean found himself in some seedy bar, with music throbbing so loud as to threaten deafness. He had a drink in his hand, half gone. He had a headache, his eyes were strained from the differed and odd assortment of lighting, this was the last place he would ever have come to on his own. For all intents and purposes, he was a fish out of water, gasping for breath. And he did not care.


His eyes flirted to the dance floor, and there she was. She looked over her shoulder, her eyes finding his. Maybe it was the brandy, maybe it was the hour of the night. Or maybe…just maybe, it was something else. But the way she moved….the way she looked at him….the way she turned and smiled as she held out a single finger, waving him to her…. He stood, and the fish out of water moved to take its breath.


She draped her arms around his neck as he came near. “Enjoying yourself?”


“Yes,” he lied. His arms moving around her waist.


“No…no you’re not Sean.” She smirked at him, confident in the fact she knew him better then he knew himself.


“The locale could be improved,” he admitted. “But the company is…acceptable.”


She tilted her head, a stray strobe light finding its way across her supple face. She was so beautiful, so elegant. Why had he never noticed this before? Why have you never admitted that you noticed it before? He corrected himself in his mind.




She moved a single, graceful finger to his lips. “Shh,” she said gently, quietly. “Anything you say from this point on is going to sound like a line from some cheesy film.” She was right, words were not acceptable here…. He moved his mouth past her finger, pulling her closer.


Maybe it was the brandy, maybe it was the hour of the night. But suddenly it really did not matter. They were alone, the noise and bustle of the small pub gone. He held her in his arms, for the first time, he realized. He pressed his lips to hers, and Sauria faded away.

Edited by Sean Xiang

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