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Cptn Corizon


There was a low hum on the CNC of Camelot Station. The last three weeks had been busy, but otherwise quite. It was a respite that everyone had welcomed. With the Dominion virtually gone from the station, Ambassador t’Salik an off on some secretive mission, Governor K’Vorlag out on a mission of his own, Ambassador N’Kedre planet side visiting colonists, Admiral tr’Shaelon overseeing the refit of the Romulan Fleet, Admiral Day neck deep in planning, Captains Corizon and Sorehel were like wise, it had left the day to day operations of the stations in the capable hands of others.


While things had been calm at Avalon, the rest of the Quadrant was no so fortunate it seemed. The last three weeks had seen major offensives by the Dominion against Scorpiad held systems, and counter strikes by the Scorpiad allies into Dominion systems. All in all, it seemed as if the war had finally settled in. Since the surprising attack against the Allied emplacements, there had been little activity beyond the six sector line that most of the Starfleet personnel were calling the Keevan-Enala Line.


Truth be told, they were all happy that the war had shifted away from them. Honestly, all most of them wanted to do was call home. Something told them it would be a while before anyone got to call anywhere but Camelot home though.


The irony of the situation, was that Scorpiads had done something that no one had ever thought possible, not even at the height of cooperation during the Dominion war had the Klingons, Romulans, and Federation united so fully together in common unity and fellowship. There was no deception, no lie between them. For all their differences, they seemed agreed that no mater what the cost, the Scorpiads could not be allowed to enter the Alpha Quadrant.




Hovering above the skies of Surma, the mobile Imperial Palace swarmed with activity. Dozens of warships orbited defensively protecting the future of their empire. Inside, the Crown Prince Kgik'Kkk prepared to make his first official meeting with the leaders of his army.


The Eratan strategist Neltran made her way through the swarm of Scorpiads and Scorpiad-subjugates, reaching the heavy throne room doors as she glanced around for the Al-Ucardian and other Eratan officials.


The grand throne room, was an opulent if not dark chasm in the center of the palace. Seated in the epicenter of the room, the blue-black skin of Kgik'Kkk glistened under the low lighting.


Slipping through the doors, Neltran slowly approached the arachnid, her red eyes cast downwards as she genuflected. "My lord," she murmured, not daring to meet the many-eyed gaze of the Scorpiad before her.


Ghosting into the throne room by a side door, the Al-Ucardian Huntmaster Tyan joined Neltran before the dais, bowing deeply to Kgik'Kkk. Eyes darting around, and shifting his weight, the Scorpiad opened his mandibles, clicking them several times before expressing a true sound. "I am pleased to see you..."


On either side of him, two tall, reddish black Scorpiads with razor sharp claws razed their tails aprehensivly towards the two who approached their master.


Tyan straightened, though he kept his head bowed. "My lord has instructions?" he inquired, a hint of anticipation creeping into his voice.


Kgik'Kkk lifted a claw, and motioned with the finger like apertures on his one arm. "You may both rise, you have served your lords well."


Mirroring the Al-Ucardian's posture, Neltran rose, glancing at their ruler. "We are honored by your satisfaction, Lord. How might we serve you now?"


"While you distracted the Founders and their allies," Kgik'Kkk said almost gleefully. "We were able to capture with wormhole..."


"A glorious success, my lord," Tyan said smoothly, raising his head to gaze at the Scorpiad with golden eyes.


A smile pulled at the corners of her lips. "Indeed, glorious," she added, genuinely pleased. There was a slight pause, "The Founders seem to be unconcerned, which falls into our claws. They've redeployed their forced along a six sector line."


Forming what appeared to be a smile, "What is the condition of your fleets?"

She stole a glance at the other commander, swallowing hard. "They have not been wiped out, but we have taken some losses in our encounters with the intruders... they can easily be restored to full glory, Lord."


Tyan nodded. "It is likewise with our fleets, my lord," he said. "Though I do not know if I would say 'easily', myself."


"We will supply you with the necessary resources. You will then deploy your forces to counter the Founders..."


The two fleet leaders waited patiently.


"As well...you will have detachments of our ground troops to aide you. Have you, questions?"

The Eratan looked at him a moment, pondering the question. "Undoubtedly they will attempt to retake what they have lost. Do you plan to counter this rebuttal?"


Shifting his weight, "You are the counter."


The Huntmaster's concern was somewhat different. "What of the humans, and their station?"


"It is of low priority," Kgik'Kkk bristled. "There seems to have been a fracture in their alliance, not to mention they have been cut off from their homelands."


"In time...we will turn our eye upon them."


"Their spirits will be low," she concurred. "And yet they trespass so lightly in our Empire. Should their arrogance not be punished?"


"Patience. In time they will learn their place in the galaxy."


"Will they not attack your forces at the wormhole, my lord?"


"I am sure they will," he showed little concern.


"Of course not." What did they have to fear from a small group of petty trespassers, separated from their governments and supply routes. "And with the wormhole taken, they'll have little hope of backup support."


The Crown Prince seemed to nod his head. "Now...to other issues..."

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