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The Dominoes Begin to Fall

In the dark halls of the Romulan Imperial Senate complex, few things stirred. The moons of Romulus rose overhead, the pale figure of Remus high in the star-filled sky. Conspiring in the halls of the Senate were forces setting actions in motion. Actions which would control the fate of two races, nay, the known galaxy.


“Procounsel Lai,” the soberly chilling voice of an elder Romulan echoed, “Has been an encumbrance for far too long.”


“Indeed,” the equally chilling voice of a female Romulan replied. “For too long she has stood in the path of the Tal’Shiar.”


“What then,” the third voice finally added, “Should we do about that?”


“There’s the obvious,” a fourth responded.


“That would be all too obvious,” the female voice countered. “Perhaps, we should draw her out into the open…force our hand?”




The senate chambers were abuzz in commotion surrounding the unscheduled session of the Senate. Not even the Proconsul seemed to know what exactly the meeting had been called for; she’d been on her way out of the office for the break, when a messenger from the Praetor himself had called them into session.


Finally, the Praetor cracked the heavy metallic gavel against the marble podium at the front of the room. “I, Praetor Tanis call this session of the Senate to order…the chair recognizes Admiral Destorie N’Dak to speak.”


Silence befell the room as the Admiral marched towards the podium. The Proconsul lifted her eyebrows in disapproval. N’Dak, she felt, was little more than a power hungry fool. She’d placed herself at more risk than most in an effort to oppose him and his reckless sister. Taking a deep breath, she braced herself.


Giving a nod to the Praetor, Proconsul and Vice-Proconsul, Destorie took his position, placing the speech he’d prepared on the podium. Leafing through it for a few moments, he smiled slightly before opening his mouth..


“Fellow Romulans,” his voice clear, sharp and echoing across the hard, well polished walls of the chambers. “It has been nearly one year since I was placed as head of the War Plans Council. One year since the true threat of the Lloann’na was given the attention it has deserved for sometime. You have listened to my reports, and I have listened to your thoughts and concerns."


He looked directly at the Proconsul, “And though some of you have expressed troubling thoughts, the whole of you have been very supportive of all the work the War Plans Council has undertaken and I thank you for your support.”


But N’Dak hadn’t come here to suck up, “I come here today to once more implore you to take seriously the threat the Lloann’na pose to the Romulan way of life. They are outsiders, not to be trusted. They bring nothing but chaos to everything they touch. The Vulcans, the Andorians, the Xindi, the Klingons, the list goes on. With every new species they meet, another new problem crops up in an otherwise peaceful place. How long is it to be before they bring trouble to very gates of the Imperial Senate itself?”


“I can only hope that you will take my warnings seriously, and I pray to the Elements that question will go unanswered. For we can not afford the luxury of being reactive with such a grave and serious threat. It is for that reason that I am requesting the authorization of four preemptive strikes against Lloann’na emplacements along our border…”


Those words sent the previously quite Senate hall into blusterous activity, silenced only by the authoritative tone of Tanis. “Silence! There will be order!”


As the room began to quiet, Proconsul Lai stood. The collective eyes of the senate locked upon her and the Admiral. “Admiral N’Dak,” she said, her voice shrill, yet solid, “I can no longer sit here and watch as you railroad our empire on a course that will lead us to disaster.”


“Then you can leave the room at any time, Proconsul.”


“It is you that will leave the Room, Admiral.”


Finally interjecting himself, the Praetor rose. The man who had seen to the Proconsul’s ascension personally, he had the features of a predatory bird (and the reputation to match). Sunken cheeks surrounded a mouth pulled back in a tight line, a thick brow cast foreboding shadows over his narrowed eyes and hooked nose, and hair of pure white that seemed a mockery of his otherwise dark features was pulled back neatly over his scalp.


Tanis was a smart man. A very smart man. Few ascended to his position without being clever enough to detect the shifting winds of power, and even fewer stayed in power without shifting with them. The past months had seen him increasingly distancing himself from the more liberal policies of Lai. While he didn’t entirely agree with the Admiral, he knew all too well which of the two would make a more powerful ally or enemy.


N’Dak had grown strong. He controlled the Galae with an iron fist. The commanders of the warbirds hanging above the senate would follow his every command without question. The Tal’Shiar, normally the Praetor's foil to the Galae’s strength, had come under Destorie’s control as well through his sister. As well, the Vice-Proconsul Malek had strong ties to the Admiral, and they both carried many senators in their collective pockets.


Though he’d helped plan the entire coup, he had not fully commited himself to either side until this very moment. Either way, both sides…both potential rivals to his own power had been brought into full view.


Lai cast her glance towards him, visually imploring him to put the Admiral in his place, and to take her side…essentially disgracing the House of N’Dak and at least for the time, stalling the coming war she saw on the horizon. But her plea would fall on deaf ears.


“The Admiral has every right to be here,” Tanis finally said as he approached. “He has called for a vote of the Senate, and it shall be acted upon.”


Lai blinked in utter shock. She’d been betrayed. Her glance flipped between the perpetrators of the crime. Malek, the Vice-Proconsul smiled smugly towards her, he stood to benefit most from her own disgrace, and Destorie N’Dak…she couldn’t even look at him with out wanting to tear his heart out. Finally her glance fell upon Tanis. For a few moments, she couldn’t speak.


“Praetor,” she finally collected herself. “I must offer my resignation as Proconsul…my advice is obviously no longer wanted…or heeded. I can only hope that you will not allow the machinations of this mad man to lead our Empire into ruin and defeat. ”


“Then leave this chamber at once,” Tanis commanded, his razor sharp gaze locking onto her. “You are summarily dismissed from the Senate.”


With dignity, she turned to go. Her steady footfalls echoed into the silence of a chamber holding it's collective breath. When the great doors had closed ponderously behind her, there was a soft sigh as movement returned to the Senate floor. No sooner had the tension eased, however, than a soft, choked noise came from beyond the doors, followed by a muffled thump. Wide eyes darted between the door through which Lai had so lately exited, and N'Dak standing calmly on the dais.


With Lai removed from the senate, it was only a matter of time before the proper procedures were taken care of to approve the request. As was custom, Tanis queried Destorie to the necessity of the action. “Tell us, Admiral why should we grant you this request?”


“If we are strong, is this not the sign for war?”


The vote passed unanimously. Those who opposed the measure now knew all too well the fate of any who would challenge the combined strength of Praetor Tanis, Proconsul Malek, Admiral N’Dak and Director Rentirr. The dominoes began to fall.

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