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"Beware the ides of March".

It had been an intresting shore leave indeed spending most of the past few days with my good friend,and fellow medical officer Reno passing the time and memories in both old war stories and seeking a way to diminish or subdue the pain all of the crew seem to be experiencing over the loss of our friends and shipmates by eating,drinking,and toasting to their memories.


I had gone to the Holy Grail lounge just to try and shake off the effects of our recent battle everyone seemed to be celebrating as a triumphant success..litte attention being paid to the price we have paid once again for our perceived victory,at such a great cost indeed..though our casualties were light on the Reliant in the overall picture I reviewed the KIA list,and loss of entire ships of the line were larger than most either knew or just plain refused to admit.


I had drank so much yesterday I had difficulty making my way back to the Reliant to lay down and finally get some much needed sleep,awakening to the shrill sound of the computer wake up call..::he drank from the mug of coffee::..now I am still awaiting the return of Captain Sorehl to go over the medical department data,as well as the data we have gathered during our encounter in the previous battle.


Apparently the Captain has been in closed door meetings so to entertain myself I think I will pursue a little shopping excursion for my beloved wife..whom is foremost on my mind at this moment,and her condition as the time draws near for our blessed event with the arrival of our new born children...perhaps deep down inside it is the only anchor I have that keeps me sane in what seems to be a universe gone mad.


I still refuse to give up my beleif the Scorpiads played the Al-Ucardians as merely as so much cannon fodder to both gain intelligence on our fleet strengths and weakness and to ultimately capitalise on our reduced fleet numbers..the crux of the whole thing is the Scorpiads did so with little or no regard to them,akin to sending out a lamb to be slaughtered with no remorse or concious consideration.


I remain optimistic that a way may be forged to both free the Al-Ucardians from their total dependence,and allegance..as well as gain a considerable ally in the wake as well,there has to be a way...otherwise I fear the worst is yet to come..:End Log:.

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