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Odile (O'd'yl) Condacin



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Personal Information


Full Name - Odile Condacin (O'd'yl of Condacin)

Position - Slave

Current Owner - Lord Regent Koshic N'Dak



Species - Xenexian

Gender - Female

Height - 5'10''

Weight - 134 lbs.

Hair Color - Black

Eye Color - Gold with green highlights

Age - 36

Birthdate - July 17, 2360

POB - Condacin, Xenex

POD - Not applicable... yet.




Medical Evaluation -


Condacin has several large scars across parts of her body due to knife wounds, as well as injuries received in combat during the Second Xenexian Uprising and resistance movements' efforts to repel the Elasians. Additionally, the whip has been used several times as punishment for her rebellious and insubordinate tendencies. Nonetheless, she has been cleared for any duties required of her.

Xenexian physiology is comparable to human physiology, with a few aversions to various medications. A listing of these has been attached for possible uses in interrogation, should the need arise.


Odile, O'd'yl to her fellow Xenexians, is not your typical slave. Raised as a warrior, she has some insubordinate qualities, though these are believed to have been mostly suppressed since the beginning of her captivity. In the past, she has shown much resentment towards the conquerors of her homeworld, though it is likely these tendencies have been squashed.


Her outspoken personality combined with a fiery temper and her dubious upbringing has not helped her overmuch in social interactions among her betters and other slaves. She still tends to view others, especially non-Xenexian captives, as inferior warriors, and she often treats them as such. This superiority complex compels her to treat others with a touch of disdain, for which she has been punished. While career-minded, she seems to not be particularly interested in gaining favor in the eyes of her Elasian master.


Condacin has no signs of serious mental illness or other such afflictions, and is cleared for service aboard the Soltok.


Dr. Tamon Klian, Medical, EDV Soltok

February 27, 2397




Personal History -


On July 17, 2360, Odile (born O'd'yl) on the planet Xenex to Kar'en'tv and T'alia of the province Condacin. Kar'en'tv, leader of the small province, was a member of the unsuccessful First Xenexian Uprising against their Danteri oppressors a decade before O'd'yl's birth. O'd'yl's father, one of the few major members of the resistance movement, continued his work against the Danteri until he and several of his dissident colleagues were taken prisoner and executed in 2374.


In 2377, the Danteri reached the conclusion that Condacin's mother, T'alia, had taken up her husband's cause. As a result, T'alia was "legally" executed by a member of the Danteri judiciary taskforce remaining on Xenex.


Not reaching the same conclusion about her mother's guilt that the Danteri had, O'd'yl took justice into her own hands and sought out the Danteri officials responsible for the murder of her mother, causing an inquiry into the province of Condacin. Escaping unscathed, she retained posession of a dagger her defeated Danteri foe had owned until her own capture, years later.


By hereditary right, upon her parents' deaths, O'd'yl took on the duties of the leader of the Condacin province. While more of a figurehead with the Danteri leading Xenex, she did her best to manage the affairs the small amount of jurisdiction allowed her permitted.


In the brief time before their destruction in which the Danteri in turn were battling the Elasian Navy, the people of Xenex launched the Second Xenexian Uprising, overthrowing the thinly-spread Danteri forces. Establishing a governmental system after their own traditions, Xenex had a brief period of freedom before the Elasians turned their attentions to the desert world.


Spurred onward by their recent victory over the Danteri, the Xenexians fought tooth and nail against their Elasian would-be conquerors, albeit unsuccessfully. The fledgling government was overthrown, and most of the leaders killed, including those of Calhoun and Seanwin.


One of the "lucky" ones, O'd'yl's life was spared, being selected to become a slave aboard the victorious Elasian Lord Regent's vessel, the EDV Soltok, where she remains enslaved to this day.

Edited by OdileCondacin

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