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The aft doors parted with the cancellation of the security lockout in the Round Table Conference Room. Sorehl strode through purposefully, leaving others to continue their debate. K’Vorlag, who had tried to beat him to the door, glared jealously at the departure. The Klingon had been asked to remain and consult with the other Allies.


Turning to mount the stairs toward the uppermost deck, Sorehl realized the significant turning-point they had just witnessed. They had lost contact with both New Bajor and the wormhole terminus near the Idran system – they were effectively isolated from the Alpha Quadrant.


It was becoming increasingly likely that the Al-Ucard and Eratan actions had been used to draw the Allied fleets away so the Scorpiad could make their own move on the wormhole. An attack force might be on its way to Avalon, he realized, or an invasion of the Alpha Quadrant might already be underway.


Klingon and Romulan representatives had just agreed to dispatch cloaked scouts to assess the situation. Battle might yet loom for this already-weary fleet. Significantly, upon hearing the news, the Dominion had refused to offer assistance, citing its own internal concerns.


The mission of Camelot Station might have ended right there.


Admiral Day had rightly expected the Dominion to reciprocate for the Allied defense of their territory and saving the Vorta Council itself. He had assured them of consequences for failing to do so. Sorehl had been ordered to make plans to abandon the colony and withdraw from the quadrant. If news from the Klingon and Romulan scouts confirmed a tactical move against the Alpha Quadrant, the Allies were likely to leave the Dominion to whatever fate awaited it.


The orders were not unlike those he’d executed before…


* * * * *


Aboard Starbase Aegis, in its secret location among an obscure asteroid field during the early months of the Dominion War…


The Bajoran female onscreen continued her report. "We've found debris from at least three different Jem'Hadar ships. But no trace of the Perseus, Captain."


Sorehl nodded. He faced the main viewer from his stance in the Aegis Command Center. "Understood," he spoke evenly, responding to the first officer of the Galaxy-class starship Victory. "I must caution you against remaining in your present location, Lieutenant Commander. You're well within enemy space."


Betile looked offscreen, then back at the Vulcan. "I've spent most of my life behind enemy lines. We'll leave when it's prudent. Victory out."


The Vulcan turned and looked up to Lieutenant (j.g.) Corris Sprint, who manned his newest assignment at the Admin console. "Status?"


Corris perused the console. "All our wounded have been transferred to the Oxford and the ship is underway. The ships that arrived with Victory have been added to the repair queue. And Admiral Saylek..." The Bijanni male was cut off by the sound of the aft turbolift opening. The chief of Dominion Threat Assessment, a Vulcan, stepped into the Command Center. "...is on his way up," Sprint finished.


"Admiral," Sorehl greeted, climbing the steps.


"Captain," came the returned greeting. The etched features and slightly-graying hair betrayed the flag officer’s age, adding an air of wisdom to the elder Vulcan. "I’ve been advised that our forces suffered a loss near the Torman system. It appears the front has moved beyond this position. Make preparations to evacuate the station."


Sorehl reached the top of the stairs, pausing a moment to consider the order. "I remind the admiral that our location in this asteroid field has been concealed from the enemy."


"It is imprudent to underestimate Dominion intelligence," the admiral countered. "It has already cost us. Your position has already served its purpose.” He referred to the successful strike against the Dominion shipyards at Torros III. He went on. “But it now remains untenable. You would be completely surrounded and cut off from resupply. We will not waste lives and materiel holding an asteroid field with few assets. Once these ships are repaired, your mission here is concluded. It is time to fall back."


The captain took another tack. "We believe it is possible the Perseus survived its encounter with the Jem'Hadar. Their last known position was in a system where the Dominion once made its catastrophic attempt to construct their own wormhole to the Gamma Quadrant.” Admiral Saylek shifted his eyes, aware of the classified incident. “Even now,” Sorehl continued, “the starship Victory is there and continues..."


"Recall the Victory and begin transfer of your non-essential personnel. A ship of her size should be more than adequate. Regrettably, we must consider the Perseus a casualty of war. Advise your civilian contingent to be ready within 24 hours. See to it, captain." The elder Vulcan stood patiently.


The captain glanced across toward the Admin console. "You heard the admiral," he ordered Sprint. “Prepare to evacuate the station.”


* * * * *


Across the Camelot Command Center, executive officer Commander John Blair looked up from the science console. “Back from Merlin’s Cave?” he asked, referring off-handedly to the location Sorehl often disappeared to. He had never visited the lower decks himself, but had the clearance if his senior officer were somehow incapacitated.


The Vulcan shook his head, opting not to answer directly. “I need you to view some sensor logs,” he ordered. He turned toward Lieutenant Commander Sprint, the now-familiar fixture at the Admin console. “I need you to pull up contingency plan Decelea for potential implementation.”


The Bijanni operations officer blinked, looking to Blair. Both officers knew the significance of the code word.


“And find out where I can contact Ambassador T’Salik. She needs to be apprised of this development,” he added. “Mr. Blair, my office.”


“Aye, sir,” Sprint replied, watching the exec join his captain on the descending ramp. It had been awhile since their world had been upended, he reflected. It was probably overdue.

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My word that was filled with memories! That's the asteroid belt were Kallah and N'Rhyse were born. That was the first time I commanded a ship (the VW) when the Dominion tried their little wormhole experiment.


And...Decelae! You mean you're planning to...with... and........ crazy Vulcan! You have to be the only Vulcan in the galaxy that can find tactical logic in total insanity.

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