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Guest Sarvek

"Re (Two) Hours Out"

(OOC Note -- This log takes place several hours pre-sim, before the Romulan fleet arrives back on Camelot. Written from the perspective of a Romulan XO on one of the returning ships, a Romulan-English dictionary is provided at the conclusion for the Rihan-English impaired)



Re hours out from Camelot Station. It would be midmorning on ch'Rihan by the time they arrived at their current home port, the Federation's jewel in the Gamma Quadrant, the symbol of their expansions into the Gift of the Wormhole, of their new cooperation with the Rihannsu Empire.


Standing on the Oira of the RES Black Fire, Daise'Erei'Riov Miran'ae t'Tylam'ne regarded the third-shift crew with a marked sense of pride. It was na her crew in the traditional sense -- she did na command the vessel -- but as the executive officer of the Black Fire, she was perhaps closer to the vessel's crew than the enarrain. She knew their strengths, their fears, and doubts about the Rihan fleet's objective of pushing back the Scorpiad forces. Io would na bring such concerns to the eyes of Enarrain tr’D’Hejn, but looser lips there would be within earshot of t'Tylam'ne.


Had their battle been for the good of the Lloann'na, or for the good of the Empire? Serving the needs of others, even allies, could na be easy for the crew, especially the elder Rihannsu who had been serving the Empire for the better part of their lives. To go from loathing the Lloann'na to hna protecting their interests in io career would be a tremendous change to bear.


The flaxen-haired Rihan female made a broad circle around the Oira, silently observing the overnight operations of the Black Fire. The Avalonian system had become a joint project, io of the many symbols of the recent collaboration between her people and those of the "other" side.


T'Tylam'ne did na particularly care if there had once upon a time been great hostilities between the re powers. Times change, and those that did na change with them would be caught up and swept away in the maelstroms of past. And from a militaristic viewpoint, what better way to keep watch over possible future risks than to be settled in their back yards, as they were on Camelot?


Io hour and fifty-seven minutes until they reached Camelot, where they would return the bold heroes of both the Empire ... and of the Lloann'na.



The Quick and Easy Guide to the Romulan Language---------------------------------------------------------------------

ch'Rihan - Romulus

Daise'Erei'Riov - Commander, Sr. Grade

enarrain - Commanding Officer; Captain

hna - now

io - one

Lloann'na - United Federation of Planets

na - no, not

Oira - Bridge

re - two

Rihannsu - Romulan

Edited by Sarvek

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