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"Attitude Non-Adjustment"

"It's not my job to be liked. Starfleet's primary purpose isn't to encourage interpersonal relationships amongst crewmembers, and I'm not going to be the one that forges that new goal into it."


"I'm here to do Starfleet's real job -- to get out there and explore, do honorable battle, and conduct scientific research. All of which without having egotistical, lovestruck, nail-biting, or otherwise distracting crewmen surrounding those who are getting their work done."


O'd'yl glanced downwards, the lack of a dagger causing her to flinch, inwardly. Still carrying the empty sheath as a statement that it was still there, if only in spirit, she sighed. If that simpering, drooling excuse for a department head and operations officer cost her the dagger, there would be worse consequences than a broken nose.


How fortunate it was that his fresh-mouthed catch of the day was assigned to the same project as the Xenexian. Squinting at the Romulan like a cat would a particularly brattish goldfish, she crossed her arms. The little Rihan was hiding something, O'd'yl could tell. Her feeble attempts at not knowing the Romulan language brushed aside, there was something downright frightening about her. Not one you'd want to expose your back to. Which was why it was a good idea to have Condacin working with her. Someone needed to keep an eye on the greenblood...


"And frankly, Doctor, I don't see why this evaluation is necessary. And for that matter, I don't see why people like you are even required in Starfleet."


The psychologist at Starfleet Medical raised an eyebrow, glancing up from her padd. "We are here for people like you, Ms. Condacin."


Innocently, O'd'yl widened her eyes. "Me? A loyal, duty-minded Starfleeter? Why in the names of all the old gods would I need a psychologist?"


Two peas in a pod were what those two were. Two misfit little officers that were perfectly suited for one another. She'd have to yank the whole story of what Kairi was doing on the ship from Kroells the next time they crossed paths.


Were they involved in a conspiracy together, perhaps? Rumor on the ship was that Sir James had family on Romulus. It would certainly explain things. Perhaps their little liaison was merely a cover for their true purposes on Agincourt. It would make more sense. After all, who would ever consort with Kroells willingly?


"Besides the fact that a psych evaluation is required after a leave of absence, it was noted that some think you a little too ... volatile in your present mindset."


Still innocently, she smirked slightly. "Not volatile. I prefer to think that I'm stubborn, easily annoyed, and rather vocal about my thoughts. Volatile implies that I fly off the handle for no reason."


The counselor glanced up at her again. "Maybe not for "no" reason, but for very little reason, at best."


Condacin shrugged. "What can I say? I'm a Xenexian. I suspect everyone of everything, and if I'm wrong, the only thing that will be hurt is my social life.


Then again, perhaps she just had bad, bad taste in men. The kind of bad taste that would lead a woman to fall for Sir James. And even if that was the case, and the leaders of the Romulan Empire weren't behind a ploy on the ship, it was still rather distasteful...


The doctor sighed as she closed the padd. "I can't find any reasons for you not cleared for duty, though I do recommend you rethink your attitudes towards your crewmates. After all, you do have to work with them, you know."


"Of course I know. And again, someone has to keep them in line."


"Now, that's the kind of comment that prompted this evaluation to begin with."


The Xenexian blinked, smirking even wider. "I thought it was standard after an LOA. Or only standard for alien basket cases, perhaps."


Ignoring her, "You're dismissed, Ms. Condacin. And I'll try to sanitize what you've said, but it's still being put on your record."


"I would expect no less. Let the next command team know the breed of scientist they're getting." She smiled, tapping the hilt of her dagger as she moved towards the exit. "A good day to you, Doctor."


But now, now the little Romulan had managed to cut her hands on the shards. With any luck, she'd still be released from Sickbay quickly enough to assist Condacin. After all, any help, even help from the Konsort of Kroells, would be better than none at all. And it would give O'd'yl a chance to get a feel for her work.


Know thine friends, learn the traits of thine unknowns, and know thine enemies. And above all, keep an eye on all of them...

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