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Shujinko Akia had seen many things in his life as a doctor aboard a starship. And he’d heard the stories of his father, grand father and great grand father, all of which were Starfleet Doctors. But the female who lay before him was possibly one of the most unusual patients he’d ever had.


Her slender, pale body seemed outwardly human, but on the insides—she was anything but human. Thankfully, they’d had some contact with the Al-Ucardians, and for the last several hours, the Excalibur Morgue had been filling up with them, the survivors of the battle. Commander Corizon had personally ordered it.


Akia wasn’t on duty when that particular order had been given, but it seemed the correct thing to do. The Al-Ucard had fought bravely, and they deserved respect, even in death and defeat.


But at the moment, that was the least of his worries. Victria, as Corizon had identified her as, had escaped near death. Making a note on her chart, Akia took a sidelong glance at her figure.


“The Patient must be fed a regimen of blood and plasma for nourishment,” the note started. “It is believed that replicated blood samples will suffice. At this time, the patent is sedated as she under goes a nano-treatment to repair several damaged arteries and synaptic connections. Upon completion of treatment, it is recommended that she be allowed to rest for some time before removing her from the sedative state. Upon such action, Commander Corizon is to be personally contacted and made awares.”


Finishing the notes on her treatment, Akia moved onto the next patient. He couldn’t help but sigh; sometimes he wondered if people pulling the strings of these cosmic battles realized that people weren’t mere pieces to game.

Edited by Shujinko

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