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Kallah Ramson

Psionic Verbilizer

This is a description of the device Kallah uses to communicate. In case it was missed in my bio, Kallah has no vocal cords.


Technical Description:

-Psionic Verbilizer.


This peice of equipment is used in the translation of telepathic communication into audible speech. The plans to modify a standard universal translator into a telepathic translator were submitted by Spock of Vulcan in 2268. However these plans were largely forgotten.


Development of the Psionic Verbilizer began again as Minarans, Thaichians, and several other telepathic species with no audible language became more numerouse within the Federation. Independant research was started by the Ferengi but was abandoned because of lack of willing research subjects.


Early versions of the device were bulky and prone to verbilizing every passing thought and emotion of the wearer.


The most major advancement in the device came from an ancient Minaran technology. They had developed a means of forming soluable crystals which would react to their telepathy and record specific thoughts as the crystals formed. Using the base materials for these crystals Federation scientists were able to synthisize a liquid crystal gell that could pick up telepathic communications of a specific type and present them in a form easily readable by common audio technologies, and in a small and light package.




Normally the device is around 5-7 cm long and is worn on the side of the head near the temple.


The verbilizer can be adjusted to speak in most any known language. The device can also be used to communicate directly with eletronic equipment. This requires special training and equipment.

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