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Guest Laarell

"Spiders, Battles, and Veal Parmesan, Part II"

"Spiders, Battles, and Veal Parmesan, Part II"

Lieutenants Ian Johnson and Laarell Teykier

June 05, 23--


Laarell stepped into the Lounge, pointing towards an unoccupied corner towards the back. "Over there, Doctor?"


Ian followed her into the lounge and nodded. "Please don't call me Doctor. Just Ian." He walked over to the table and pulled out a chair for Laarell.


"And feel free to call me Laarell. Lieutenant always seems so... formal." She gave him a pleasant, easy-going smile.


"Sounds like we have a deal." He returned the smile. "You still owe me the part of your story that explains how you actually ended up in Starfleet."


"Didn't want to go into diplomacy. I didn't want to spend my life organizing trade agreements for the FTA." Used to explaining, she added, "Free Trade Association. The "good-guys" in my people's government, if you will."


Ian laughed. "There are good guys in governments? I don't believe that. But I understand that you didn't want to go into diplomacy."


Nodding again, she finished her little tale. "Didn't really want to be in the private scientifical circuit, so Starfleet became a logical choice."


"Yeah makes sense. Personally I don't even know how I ended up in Starfleet. It just kinda happened." He chuckled, briefly. "And there are people who wish I'd give up my job and start leading a 'normal' life without venomous animals. Can you imagine that?"


A perfect dead-pan. "No, I really couldn't. Who in gods' names would want you to cease your work around some of the most dangerous creatures in the galaxy?"


Ian smiled. "Exact..." He broke off as he realized she was probably not quite serious. "Alright. I don't expect anyone to understand this, but those are beautiful animals and dead useful...well... "


Laarell looked at him curiously. "Find anything interesting about our stingered intruders, by chance?"


He considered the question for a moment. "The most interesting part is probably that their venom is similar to that of a scorpion found on Earth. Based on that I was able to find an antivenom. I just wish it was stronger. The perfect solution, of course, would be a kind of vaccine." He broke off. "I'm sorry, this must be boring for you."


Shaking her head, Laarell motioned towards the waiter. "Not boring at all. In fact, very interesting."


"I tend to get carried away when it comes to talking about my work. I really enjoy what I do." He paused to place his order with the waiter. "In fact, I prefer the Labs to sickbay."


"You almost cross from medical to more of a science, don't you?" She turned to the server, absent-mindedly ordering. "Veal parmesan."


He frowned. "Yeah, I think that'd be right. I never enjoyed treating actual patients. They talk back and always think they know things better than you. My animals don't do that."


Laarell knew how that felt. "I empathize with you, Ian. Now, imagine the people-skills an Operations officer must possess..."


"We all have our strengths and our weaknesses. It's important to be aware of both. I'm pretty good at what I do, but I'm a lousy doc up in sickbay. I mean, I know the theory, but I'm the kind of doctor you'd be scared of, I suppose." Ian sounded slightly bitter. He had always tried hard, but dealing with sick people was just not what he was born to do.


"Right, and why force something that doesn't come naturally?" Teykier inclined her head in the waiter's direction. "You're the famished one."


He blinked. "Sorry?"


"You were hungry -- going to order?" She repressed a chuckle.


"Oh, yes...of course." He blushed and tried to remember what he'd actually wanted to order. "I'll take... I'll just go with whatever you're having. As I said, I trust you as far as dinner is concerned." He grinned sheepishly. "I'm sorry."


"It's fine," she said, turning her attentions back to the waiter. "Make that two." As he headed off, she smirked. "Seems you were assigned to the right ship, considering who we're going up against."


Glad that the conversation was getting back to safer ground he nodded. "That's why I was assigned to your ship. It's only temporary. I'm supposed to return to Camelot station when this mission is over. Maybe I'll transfer to Avalon, but that's not sure, yet. Actually it would be nice having new and bigger labs."


"I remember from my own tenure as a scientist that new, big, labs are always something to look forward to. But then you lose a certain charm." She shrugged. "Besides, we could use a toxicologist with Citrus aboard."


"But with bigger labs, I'd have more space for a few more animals. Besides I heard you've stocked up on antivenom for Citrus. You won't need me anymore when this is over. Actually I hope you won't really need me during this mission either. I heard you've had casualties already."


"In Engineering, yes. Thank gods I haven't been anywhere near those things. Citrus is the largest arachnid I ever want to be in contact with."


The waiter arrived with their food. Ian unfolded his napkin and placed his on his lap. "If you've got time when we get back to Camelot I'll show you a few bigger ones, in cages, of course. They are not as agressive but quite impressive nonetheless."


"What species do you have?" Laarell took her plate, smiling faintly as she inhaled the scent of the food.


"Smells good. Erm...my favourite at the moment is the Fattail Scorpion, which happens to be the one that helped me develop the antivenom for Mr. Xavier. Other than that...well it always depends on the project we're working on, but we always have enough to scare away most people." He grinned at the thought of the various people who tried to avoid his labs.


The green-skinned one laughed. "I'd love to come down sometime, take a look around." For a moment, Laarell regretted not having a good old-fashioned office to show off. "Been to the Bridge lately?"


Ian shook his head. "I haven't been on a bridge in about three years. Toxicologists are hardly ever needed there. I don't really mind being left alone most of the time, really. The only thing I don't like is that we seem to be easily forgotten. When you're on the bridge you always know what's going on. But I certainly wouldn't mind a look around. So far all I've seen of the ship are the labs, sickbay and my quarters."


"Drop by some quiet Friday afternoon. I have the Bridge; you can poke around to your heart's content."


"That would be nice. Usually I'm not really drawn to the 'Holy Halls of Command' but I can hardly resist such an offer." He took another bite of his food and then pushed away the plate.


"Anytime." She glanced at his plate. "Not your style?"


He smiled. "It was delicious. I just never eat that much. When I say I'm starving it means I'll probably manage half as much as a normal person would normally eat."


She took another bite of her own food, chortling. "I'm a bit of a pig, I'll admit. But I need energy to outrun giant scorpions," she joked.


He laughed. "See, I usually only have to outrun small ones so I need less energy. I must say the food here is better than anything I've had on Camelot so far."


"We do have a good culinary team," she said, proudly. "Their Klingon foods leave something to be desired, but I'm spoiled, too." Taking a sip of the water, her face grew sober. "I'm just hoping that we don't have any more close encounters of the third kind with our eight-legged monsters. We certainly don't need them." She sighed, pushing her own dish aside. "Everything's coming to a peak here. The battle..." She looked downward, suddenly feeling exhausted. "Gods... I hope it goes better than our last one did."


Ian didn't know what to say. He settled for trying to reassure her. "I'm sure it will. At least now you know what you're dealing with. That's already something."


"True," she replied, uncertainly."And hopefully, you'll be able to develop a vaccine, in case something does go wrong."


Ian resisted an urge to reach for the Orion's hand. Instead he smiled reassuringly. "Nothing will go wrong, trust me." His words sounded hollow even to him, but he didn't know what else to say.


Laarell nodded. "I appreciate your sentiments, and encouragement. We are as prepared as we can be. I suppose we can't ask for more..."


Ian just nodded. He hadn't expected this and he was not good at encouraging people. He was not good at anything concerning people unless it was to avoid them as much as possible. He just hoped Laarell wouldn't take his silence for lack of interest.


Snapping back to reality, she shook her head slightly. "But here I am, ruining dinner with my pessimism." She stood, extending a hand. "It's been a pleasure, Ian. I hope we can share fears of doom and gloom again sometime."


Ian jumped to his feet as Laarell got up. He shook her hand and looked at her closely. "No need to apologise. Are you sure you'll be ok?"


She nodded. "Just a little doubt that I've gotten out of my system. I'll be fine," Teykier said, slightly doubting it.


Ian didn't look quite convinced. "Alright, well if you need to talk, I'm a lousy listener but I can try. You know where to find me...probably better than I do myself." He grinned. "I still get lost on the way to my quarters all the time."


The Orion woman laughed at that. "I believe it... it's easy to get lost..."


He frowned and hesitated before answering, "Yes, indeed. Anyway, Thank you for keeping me company and don't forget the light over Citrus' terrarium. Good night, Laarell."


Teykier nodded a reply, waiting a few moments before leaving the Lounge. Gods... let him be right in his assurances... let him be right...


Ian watched Laarell leave the Lounge and wished he could have said more to reassure her, but he did not really believe in what he had said either.



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