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Chell Reno

"The Rode To War and The Horse That Rode Upon It"

Chell Reno Personal Log


once hour after the battle.


Begin Log.


Some say the road to war is paved with deceit and jealousy. Some say that, that bloody road is paved with lies and schemes. Others are not quite sure what this road is made of, but most agree it isn't pleasant or fun. Non, however get the true picture. If there's one thing I've learned in my years in Star Fleet is that war isn't the romanticised and honorable thing everyone makes it out to be. Its dirty, bloody, and full of pain. There is no fun or honor in taking another man's life..... no matter what the circumstances. Yes, it has to be done, but frankly it pisses me off how the general public and media make it such a honorable thing. I've learned their is more honor in not pulling that trigger than slaying a thousand men.


Some say you ride to war on a gleaming white horse with pride and dignity and come back with a large abundance more than what you started with. In reality, if you ride a horse at all, its black, sick, and dirty. You may start with a feeling of pride and honor, but you don't leave with it. You leave feeling empty and broken inside at the horror that you and your fellow troops have caused. Every time you kill someone. Every time you press that button. Another mother goes to sleep every night grieving, remembering and hating the day she received that horrible news no matter what the race. A father looses his pride, his one chance at continuing his line. His right hand.


War is not fun, it is not pleasant, but never-the-less war must be done. As a doctor I have to ask myself if I am doing the right thing here, on this ship of war. I joined the medical corps to stop death, but instead I am an instrument of death. After the things I have seen this day I no longer feel like the young Bolian man I once was. yes, I do feel older, more experienced, but at what price? I have lost my innocence and from what I've seen my sanity is threatened. All this killing is tearing me up inside. I don't know how much longer I'll be able to take it, but I know I must. If not for my sake then for the sake of my children that I hope to someday have.


I do not seek honor or glory for there is non to be found on the battle field, but I do seek a safe world for my family when this threat is gone.... even if it means destroying my enemies family.


This is my duty. This is my cry. This is my prayer.


End Log.

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