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Kallah Ramson

A Common Theme

She moved down the corridor with an ethereal grace. Most of the crew was asleep now, nightshift alone stood watch as most readied themselves for the coming action. Kallah should have been asleep herself but her mind was filled with the dreams of others. Thus was one drawback to being a telepath such as herself. Among her own people dreams would entwine and merge, giving rest and comfort to all. Here she was the recipient alone with no way to console the troubled nightmare or shape the creative imagination. She usually could filter all this out but too many troubled minds slept uneasily this night.


Here walking the corridors she could control the intake of thoughts. She actually found it comforting. Barely two days ago she wasn't part of this crew. It was good to feel and take in the emotions of those she would soon work and possibly fight beside.


Each person's thoughts were their own but the mood held a common theme. From the gentle almost mechanical emanations from the Vulcan crew members to the randomness of the Human mind there was concern. Concern for what had brought them into this missions, what would come of the ship and crew if conflict arose, worries of being thrown into another war, doubt that the Dominion was worth protecting, and fear of this new unknown enemy.


Though Kallah refused to use the term enemy yet. They were unknown for sure but even after the hostile interactions this ship had faced how could you call them an enemy yet. A century before the Gorn had massacred the Cestus III colony yet peace came soon once an understanding was established. Even old "enemies" the Klingons and Romulans stood beside them at this time of peril.


Peace was still an option. She held to that one thought through all the troubled and worried emotions she felt. And she was not alone. Under all the concern, the crew knew it's duty and knew whatever would come that they strove for peace in this mission and every mission they would embark on. That was why they were here.

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