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Illara Ridan

Illara Ridan, new cadet

Hello all. My name is Illara Ridan and as more information about me will undoubtedly come later, I'll stick to a few basic points of interest. I'm a 24-year-old Bajoran male born into a long line of composers and Prylars (priests). My father was a prominent leader of the Resistance during the Occupation who led several successful attacks on Cardassian supply camps and command stations. He died in a firefight while trying to return to our camp shortly after one such attack--we had just celebrated my eleventh birthday. Fearing the worst for her family, my mother took my younger sisters and me into hiding in the mountainous Dahkur Province. There I quickly made my mark on the Resistance cell led by Shakaar Edon as the camp's chef.


After three years hiding out in caves and feeding the hungry masses, I took up arms in the service of my people. My family and I were hiding along with several other families while the bulk of the Resistance fighters were out on a raid when a recon patrol of six Cardassians discovered our position. Two of us reached for weapons and engaged the patrol in a firefight that lasted almost three hours. Leading them out of the caves and away from the defenseless families, we finally dispatched the last of our foes just as the freedom fighters were returning to our camp. Three days later, the Occupation ended.


After the Cardassians left Bajor, my mother took us back to our family's traditional home in the Capital where she could finally resume her work as a Prylar of the Prophets. I enlisted in the Bajoran Militia when the fight with the Dominion clouded over the people of Bajor and spent the majority of my first mission floating in an escape pod near the Badlands. After being rescued and cleaned up (I had a broken arm and several burns) I continued on a streak of ill-fated missions that culminated in the Cardassians taking me prisoner and forcing me to watch as they summarily executed my best friend. I was subjugated to brutal interrogation techniques for several days before a member of the Cardassian Resistance movement rescued me and got me on a transport home.


Upon my return to Bajor, I was discharged from the Militia and entered a profound state of inertia. Unsure of what journey I would embark upon next, I asked the Prophets to guide me. And guide me they did, to a path of enlightenment following in my mother's footsteps. I began the necessary training to become a Prylar. Three months into my training I was visited by the Prophets who told me that they had been mistaken in the guidance they gave me. Having seen something of my mother in me, they told me, they naturally assumed I should follow her path. However, as I walked the path, the Prophets watched me and discovered that I was meant for helping my people in a far different way. They guided me to Starfleet and told me that I could best serve Bajor by growing the fellowship between my people and the Federation.


So here I am, ready to serve. I enter Starfleet Academy confident that the Prophets will walk with me on this path as I bridge the gap between the stars and secure a place in history for Bajor as a planet worthy of greatness.

Edited by Illara Ridan

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Welcome to the Academy!


Hope you have a rip roaring time in the sims. Everyone is fairly friendly (beware of romulans bearing gifts) and may I recommend that you visit the Redstar nightclub on Saturday evenings for the hottest night in the galaxy!

One or two W.C.E's down your neck are an essential part of academy life for all cadets (in my opinion) and I look forwards to seeing you there.


Most of all, have fun!!

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Greetings and welcome to STSF my friend.

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Welcome to STSF!

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Welcome to the biggest party on the net!

::Walks over to the replicator:: Red Shirt

::Hands Illara the Red Shirt:: Here you go try not to get too much blood on it!

Remember to have fun!

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Welcome aboard ,and by all means have fun :)

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