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Laehval tTemarr



A duty log from Daise’Engineer

El’Riov Laehval t’Temarr




Laehval sat in her office, too stunned to do anything but stare at her computer screen. She’d heard the announcements, but thought there had been a miscommunication. It has taken three different confirmations from the Talon’s database updates until she had believed what was happening, and even then, she still had not accepted it. She sat there in a state of shock, her thoughts a confusing jumble. How could things have taken such an unexpected turn?


“Enarrain Daise’Erei’Riov Destorie N’Dak.” Laehval read the report again and shook her head.


“Io moment he is talking of running from the ship like a coward. The next he is being promoted to acting Enarrain. Na only is he hna my superior officer, but he also outranks me.”


Leaning back in her chair, she tried to ignore the feeling of unease spreading through her. She felt as though her stomach would empty its contents at any moment. Taking several deep breaths, she closed her eyes and attempted to calm herself.


“Relax, Laehval. It is na as bad as it sounds. There has to be a reasonable explanation.” The words came from her own mouth, but they sounded hollow.


She opened her eyes with a sigh and deactivated her monitor so she would not have to read the announcement again. Things on the Talon had been in turmoil for so long that she was not exactly sure how she felt. She was extremely wary, for she knew that Destorie was ambitious and this new position would be certain to fill his head with ideas of obtaining even more power.


She was also extremely annoyed because she knew what sort of leader he had been as Daise’Dheno and she hardly thought him qualified to handle the responsibility of commanding the entire ship. He did not have the experience necessary for such a position and certainly did not have the crew’s respect. For that reason, Laehval faced a significant dilemma.


Given that N’Dak’s new posting was an official Galae promotion, Laehval was duty-bound to follow his orders and uphold his command. To defy him would risk dissention among the rest of the crew and unrest in the entire ship. If other crew members witnessed a blatant break in the chain of command, there would be mutiny when others attempted to defy orders. As her primary concern was the welfare of the ship and its crew, Laehval could not allow that to happen. Destorie had been placed in command and she would respect the rank, but she did not have to like it. After all, she hated being under t’Rexan’s command, but she had followed the woman’s orders.


Beneath it all, though, Laehval was hurt more than anything. She would never allow anyone to see that side of her, but it was there nonetheless. She was dedicated to the Talon and had never wavered in her loyalty. Even when she had refused to give up command of the ship to t’Rexan during the most recent alien encounter, she had done so out of benefit to the crew and not because she had craved authority. The Talon was her ship, no matter who was in charge. She was convinced that no other cared as much about the ship as she did.


Despite the documented fact of her unswerving devotion, she did not question the fact that she had been passed over for such a promotion. She knew very well that, commendation or not, her disagreements with t’Rexan had ruined any chance for advancement. She was extremely fortunate that she still held her command position. Her prejudice had cost her.


tr’Pexil had been promoted above her, and though Lerak deserved his new rank, Laehval couldn’t help but wonder how long would it be before he was assigned as Daise’Engineer. Surely he would protest reporting to a junior officer. Lerak was loyal to her and she did not think he would seek to usurp her, but how would his promotion affect his attitude? Only time would tell on that account. She refused to worry over it at the present time, so she pushed it from her mind. She would handle that situation if it arose.


Thoughts drifting back to N’Dak, Laehval decided that she did not envy him in the slightest. Though she may have felt a brief twinge of jealousy upon hearing of his posting, she knew that he had hard times coming ahead. t’Rexan did him no favors by elevating his status. And now that the woman was incapacitated in the medical bay, N’Dak would have only grudging support – if any – from the other officers. Like Laehval, many of the crew still blamed him for his father’s actions. She had later changed her way of thinking when she realized that the Deihu N’Dak lavished his sons with the same sort of scorn and mistreatment as he did everyone else. Absently she wondered, when t’Rexan recovered (if she recovered), if the woman would realize the same thing, or if she would continue to blame the dheno officer for her own failings. In Laehval’s opinion, the odds were not in Destorie’s favor.


One thing was certain, if Destorie N’Dak was now running the ship, Laehval could not avoid him as she usually did. Rising from her chair, she skirted the edge of her desk and stalked out into Main Engineering, waving away a crewman as he thought to question her about his current orders. They could survive in Engineering without her for an hour or two. Entering the lift, she called for the Oira, heading up to face her biggest nightmare – N’Dak in command.

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Wow! Incredulous log!! I really enjoyed reading this!! We were so bummed you could not be there last week to like..I dont' know...stab him in the back or something when it happened...lol




you do still outrank Pexil though....El'Riov is above Erei'riov


Admiral (Adm) Daise'Khre'Riov (DKhr)

Rear Admiral (RAdm) Khre'Riov (Khr)

Commodore (Comdr) Daise'Enarrain (DEnar)

Captain (Capt) Enarrain (Enar)

Commander (Cmdr) Daise'Erei'Riov (DErv)

Lt. Cmdr. Senior Grade El'Riov (ElRv)

Lt. Commander (LtCmdr) Erei'Riov (Erv)

First Lieutenant (FstLt) El'Arrain (ElAn or Eln)

Lieutenant (Lt) Arrain (Arn)

Lt. Junior Grade (LtJg) Ne'Arrain (NArn)

Ensign (Ens) Erein (Ern)

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