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Worf hands over his Bahtleth in UK Knife Amnesty

Just for my transatlantic friends who may not have access to the integrity respecting and truthful tabloid paper known as The Sun...



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God I hate the sun...the only thing our tabloids are good for finn....is page 3. Mmmmmmmmm, page three girls...



But good story, though I doubt ANYONE could get away with killing someone with a batleth and not be seen!

Edited by Images

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God I hate the sun...the only thing our tabloids are good for finn....is page 3. Mmmmmmmmm, page three girls...



Indeed. Last bastion of daily mysoginistic output in a world of political correctness. Of course, there is always the Sunday Sport if one requires reading of a more 'high brow' nature.

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We in the "colonies" have an excellent usage for that particular kind of publication, and it is used frequently in the fresh seafood industry(mullet wrapper)... :P ;) ;)

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Wow....Thats almost as good as this headline from University of Wisconsin Madison's fake paper, "The Onion"


"U.S. Intelligence: Nukehavistan may have Nuclear Weapons"

you can enjoy the satiric genius of the full article here



but anyway, its amazing what they will publish and expect to sell as legitimate information. Humorous if anything :P

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And if you prefer something a little more conservative (and less raunchy), Scott Ott publishes a daily current events parody blog at www.scrappleface.com


I find it hilarious.

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rofl, I can only imagine how much the guy paid for his nerd prize that probably did little more than hang on display over his wide screen TV...

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Wow, that wasn't what I expected.

Edited by zammamy

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