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Trapped in a Syllogism

“Without sufficient means to intercept and neutralize incoming attacks,” the Vulcan opined, hands clasped behind his back, “it is my professional opinion that colony defenses will prove inadequate against orbital bombardment.”


Admiral Wayne Day looked across his desk at the starbase commander standing and gestured toward the empty seat beside it. “I’m not sure there’s much more we can do, given our resources,” he admitted. “It took six months to gather the materiel we have.”


Sorehl glanced at the offered chair, then seated himself. “If I may speak candidly?”


Day looked around, a playful smile spreading across his face. “In this office? I haven’t been able to stop anyone yet. Go on.”


It was subtle, but there was a trace of discomfort before Sorehl spoke again. “I question the wisdom of expanding the Allied presence at this juncture.”


Day frowned in thought. “I thought you promoted the idea of a colony on Avalon.”


“A benevolent, cooperative effort, yes,” the captain agreed. “But the Hundred chose to strike when the size of our military fleets proved too inviting a target. Camelot was able to defend itself, but the colony does not possess similar firepower.”


Day folded his hands. “There are hundreds of ships in the system.”


“The very reason to strike,” Sorehl noted. “Even before the war, the Dominion attempted to subnova the Bajoran sun just to obliterate the combined Federation/Klingon fleet at Deep Space Nine. Half of Bajor, a civilian target, would have burned with it.” The Vulcan continued. “Avalon seems to have escaped Scorpiad attention, but their strategy has been to attack the most consolidated points of Dominion force. If they should take notice of our military assets here, the colony will undoubtedly be part of the collateral damage.”


Day listened. The captain knew how to build a syllogism that would appeal to the Admiral’s Vulcan half. It was time for the conclusion. “What are you suggesting?” he prompted.


“Disperse the fleet,” Sorehl stated matter-of-factly. “I propose moving Camelot Station from the LeGrange point into synchronous orbit over the colony.”


Day leaned back. “Moving the station would be an engineering challenge.”


“One that has been done before,” the captain noted.


“And you’d be assuming responsibility for defending civilians in a war zone.”


“We are already assuming that risk,” Sorehl concluded.


Day put his elbows on the desk, interlocking the fingers of his hands. “For the moment, I’ll consider the second part of your proposal,” he granted. “As for the first, Corizon is about to make it happen. You’ll be busy helping him.”


“I beg your pardon, admiral?” the Vulcan inquired. He seemed unprepared for this addition.


Day gestured with his chin toward the PADD sitting across his desk.


“We’re breaking up the fleet to counter the movements we’re observing,” Day advised. “I want you out there with them. Use a few of my junior officers from Excalibur and have Reliant ready to depart within the hour. Those are your orders.”


Sorehl reviewed the readout, knowing starship command was not a skill he touted or aspired to. Having made the argument himself, however, he could hardly refuse.

Edited by Sorehl

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