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Guest Captain Kurk123

What Race is your Character

which race is your character?   67 members have voted

  1. 1. which race is your character?

    • Human
    • Klingon
    • Andorian
    • Romulan
    • Vulcan
    • Troyian

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67 posts in this topic

Hi Everyone,


This is my poll on which race is your character. You can just totally make it up or depending on your avitar. My character is half Klingon and half Human. Us klingons used to be a warlike race because the first time we had a treaty with Earth it didn't go well so in the Original Series that's the reason Klingons and Humans are always fighting that's my story. But I'm also half Human. So I'd like to serve on a Klingon/Federation ship. I'm still in the academy and having a great time so please vote in the topic up top. But not all the races might be listed if not just tell me and I'll make another one. Also I'd like your opinion on my avitar if you think it looks good or looks bad. But please tell me in an honorable way your opinion. I would like to add to any GM that when I graduate from the academy I would like to be a diplomatic position if I can't be on the Klingon Federation ship the Qob-Lakota. So please vote up top or PM me your reply, anyone is fine for me if you'd like to talk to me individually please PM me on this website that would work best for me.

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I don't imagine that any of our sims give diplomatic positions to new Academy graduates. They might be given out as 'guest roles' to players who have simming experience, but even that's rare. As a new player, it's really best for you to get your feet wet with one of the 'standard' positions.

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I agree with Moore. If you're new, try easier characters such as humans. Vulcans, for example, are hard to play at first, since they don't have any emotions, and keeping that in check is quite difficult at first. If you want my advice, try a human character first, then once you have some experience, then create a different character of your choice on another sim. As for my character's races, my Hood and Republic characters are Humans (German) as is my Challenger character as well (Italian). My Arcadia character is Betazoid, and my Reaent character is Bajoran, and my Talon character is of course Romulan. Though I've tried to make them as different as I can, they all still have a common bond in each other in the fact that they've all lived on Earth in some point of my life. Obvioussly, I know alot about the different places on Earth, so writing character development logs of them back home is easier for me since I know about the various places where they live without too much research.

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I cant place my character cause you dont have that type on your poll! I am a Betazoid.

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While I like Romulans, I've played many types. I usually pick the ones mentioned maybe once in an episode. That way, I can create whatever culture I like. I always stay true to what little might be shown of the race I just use that little spark for a catalist to greater things.


Some of the characters I've played have been:

Minaran (TOS:"Gem")

Catullan (TOS:"Way To Edan"..no, not the colliflower ear guy)

Gorn (TOS:"Arena")

Barzan (TNG:"The Price")


Maybe the strangest is the daughter of my Minaran who is 1/2 Minaran, 1/4 Orion, 1/8 Vulcan, and 1/8 Human. And I didn't just make that up. The only made up hybrid was the original series Vulcan/Human(I don't even know who's character that ever was), everything else was characters getting together and having sim kids, who became player characters and had their own sim kids, and so on.

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I agree with Moore. If you're new, try easier characters such as humans. Vulcans, for example, are hard to play at first, since they don't have any emotions, and keeping that in check is quite difficult at first. If you want my advice, try a human character first, then once you have some experience, then create a different character of your choice on another sim. As for my character's races, my Hood and Republic characters are Humans (German) as is my Challenger character as well (Italian). My Arcadia character is Betazoid, and my Reaent character is Bajoran, and my Talon character is of course Romulan. Though I've tried to make them as different as I can, they all still have a common bond in each other in the fact that they've all lived on Earth in some point of my life. Obvioussly, I know alot about the different places on Earth, so writing character development logs of them back home is easier for me since I know about the various places where they live without too much research.

And don't believe that Seiben's example of different characters on six sims is typical because it definitely is not. I would say that the average player is either on one or two sims with someone like Seiben here being at the high end.


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As for my character's races, my Hood and Republic characters are Humans (German) as is my Challenger character as well (Italian).

We need to check on Germans one of these days. Sometimes I'm not quite sure we're Human. :blink:


Anyway I play two characters and I decided to make them Humans for the reason that was mentioned above. I wanted to learn how to sim first and then take on a new challenge and play a non-Human character.

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For my first advanced sim (The Hood rocks!) I started as a Caitian. I now play Caitians on both of my current sims, and they are both related. Enjoy the heck out of playing the kitties as well.


I role-play 'em based on a combination of sources: what Star Trek Caitian information is available (not much), an 80's show called "Thundercats", observing my own cat in real life, and my own personal ideas.


I would think that a person will pick the character type that you are most comfortable with, have most of your information on, or really want to play. :blink:

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My old character was plain ol' human, my current one is Trill. I want to be able to at some point do the dax thing and show aspects from his multiple lives but for now I'm playing it like an earthling pretty much.

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My Qob-Lakota character is pure Vulcan. My Reaent character is hakf-Vulcan half-Romulan but is unaware of the Romulan half.

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I've played mostly humans around here, although I have started to branch out, I've played:






and I have some other future characters shelved.

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My characters have both been full human, brothers, and have both served on the Arcadia and SF SOCOM at different points in their careers. One, however, is at least reported to be quite dead.

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My character is fully human, as is his daughter who I NPC. I have an El-Aurian character in mind, and I think i came up with a Ba'ku once, but those are just ideas that i will work on if i ever get time to play another character on a second sim ( which probably won't be for about 4 years). I also had an idea, if i ever had a chance to be on Agincourt (a future sim) to play my daughter all growed up and in starfleet. As for your avatar, it looks fine to me, Worf is one of the best cannon characters (though its hard to compare). I miss my old avatar, it was the helm console of the enterprise with a five speed manual gearshift attatched...good stuff - but i've cycled to some different stuff. Anyway, thats all I have...


::transmits two hundreths of a credit to the 'bucket' account::


-Sam's Player

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Have we forgotten about the Trills?! I know theres at least three in our little fleet :P

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I think that you should put "other" in your poll.

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You left off El-Aurians on there and I know of at least 2 maybe 3 in our fleet. Its alot of fun playing one. The ability to have a charcter thats been alive for over a century has alot of story potential.

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You have Troyians, but no Elasians, bah! :P



I, typically, play very little known species that allow me a good deal of manuvering room to character create, however, I don't suggest this with your first character. ;)


I have, over the years, played Humans, Vulcans, Romulans, Elasians, Arzaban, Vorta, Klingons, Betazoids, el-Aurian, Bajoran, Risans and Dameons. The latter is solely my invention, originally for Reaent, but I decided to use it when I became XO on Excalibur.


Like Moore and Seiben suggested, very few sims even have diplomat roles, Excal and Aegis being the only ones I know of, and requirement for both requires you to be a seasoned advanced simmers.


It's my suggestion that your frist character be something you can play well with, not something quirky, because in the beginning, I think its more important to worry about your mechanics and interaction in the sim, than whether this week is the Hutammamanji Sacrafice and Finger Paint ritual for your character. ;)


Just my thoughts. :)

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...than whether this week is the Hutammamanji Sacrafice and Finger Paint ritual for your character. ;)


Just my thoughts. ;)

haha, thats a good point...

most of the people on your shiny new advanced sim probably wouldn't appreciate it if you started off going through the Pon Farr or jak'tahla in your first sim



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My first character was a Gorn on the USS Fek'lhr. One of the hardest races to play on the worst ship for newbies. But I survived. In 12 years of simming I've only played a full human once.


But I don't recommend this to everyone. Even if you CAN do it, as a noob you'll never be fully trusted with the freedom to do somethings with the character. It's about knowing the limitations and letting others know you know the limitations.


One quick case in point, my Gorn one time pulled a Klingon in two. But then it came time to run from his buddies. I ran as fast as a Gorn can run....and got the tar beat outta me when they caught up. I got to show off the Gorn strength...and weaknesses.

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well my reaent character is Caitain who happens to work in sickbay. my ageis character is full human who also works in sickbay.

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My character's a white Human (Cajuan) male.My enisgn Arthur(Rackle)Dragoon anyways.

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