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Guest TParek

"Empty Saddlebags"

"Empty Saddlebags"

Lt. T'Parek

May 19, 2156


Note: This log is set just prior to "Concerning Profits" by Capt. Moore.

Level Seven was markedly colder than the rest of the station. Logically so -- while this area of the outpost was home primarily to refrigerated goods, the rest was warmed by the throbbing mass of customers to the base


Food and medical supplies were the names of the game, and while the greenly-gorgeous Challenger crew could charm information out of the guards, obtaining material goods could be a touch harder.


T'Parek supposed that they had begun to take such provisions as givens. If you were in Starfleet, you were generally guaranteed that you had access to such things as staple foods and hyposprays.


Regardless, at the moment, their allies at Mingavon seemed few in number, and unless the faux greenskins found ways to magically conjure up gold, silver, or latinum, there was a good chance that Lieutenant Vank's new furry pet would be next on the menu...

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