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Jamie Kroells

"Doctor, Heal Thy Self...Please?"

“Doctor, Heal Thy Self…Please?”


Jamie now stood in an isolated area of sickbay with Desdemona Levy, delusional and only half conscious at best. Test results were coming back and hitting him like a pile of rocks. Best they could tell, the virus was spread by touch, at the moment. There was no telling if it could mutate and become airborne, which was why he kept sickbay quarantined. Many of the doctors, and random patients that happened to be in the room at the time protested, but he wasn’t going to have it. He was the ranking officer here, and would continue to be until Robair, Harper, or Davies himself came down here and took over.


For the moment, he was solely in charge of sickbay, something he didn’t much like. Besides the lack of medical experience, he had personally yelled at most of these men and women at sometime during his numerous stays. Convincing them to do as he said would be difficult. Especially, given the data now coming him, both Midshipman Reen and himself were probably infected. Given the short incubation rate, he didn’t have much time to set things up properly before he was too delusional to work. However, Levy had direct contact with the dogs; the only way the virus passed from her to him was when Jamie held her up. Hopefully, things wouldn’t come on so fast for him…


He paused as he looked down at her the delusional rantings, and the obvious pain…not something Jamie envied. He was never afraid of dieing per se, he just had his preferences. Being cooped up in sickbay, waiting for a cure while he went under wasn’t his preferred method. He almost wished he was back on Pax Primus, he almost wished he had been killed there. He had been pondering such a fate for a long time now, and it almost seemed preferential to the life he was living now. There would have been no Iron claw, no VDC. He let out a slow sigh, pondering on how masochistic he had become as of late.


He looked down at the Padd containing the medical department’s roster. Hopefully this doctor Delphi would come around soon. He seemed to be the most qualified doctor here, possibly even rivaling Levy in expertise. He would be the one to lead the investigation into this cure. Hopefully Odile wouldn’t use this situation to usurp him in Science…or Ops… What was he doing again?


He paused for a second, feeling the room become more flush with heat. He slowly undid his uniform, leaving the undershirt behind attempting to find some comfort in this heat. Pretty soon this situation would be out of his hands, something that definitely didn’t sit well with him. Too many people on this ship have a bone to pick with him…and an “accidental death” would be most embarrassing.

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