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John Kroells

"Saying What Matters"

“Saying What Matters” A Kroells and Teykier production


Laarell stomped through the recently turned mud and stopped a few inches from the science team's manual laborer, a smile spreading across her face. "Travis?"


He stood up, and turned to face her, a cynical look on his face. "I'm sorry, do I know you?"


The Orion sighed, putting her hands on her hips. "You know why I did that."


He scowled at her, obviously not liking that excuse. "I can understand why you wouldn't jump into my arms as the sun set on some old earth-style film. But you could have at least acknowledged me as existing."


"I suppose I could have. May I apologize, dear?"


"I suppose you can give it a shot."


Dropping to one knee, she clasped his left hand in hers and looked up into his eyes with an earnest expression on her face. "Will you forgive me, my love?"


For a man that had experienced at much as Travis had, the shock was still apparent on his face. It wasn't everyday that an Orion willing got down on her knees in such a fashion. "Laarell..."


"Do you accept?" Her voice was small, pleading.


He quickly pulled her up, half out of chivalry, half out of fear someone would see the exchange, and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. "Of course."


She grinned, delighted. "Understanding, aren't you." She returned the kiss, her lips lingering over Kroells' for a moment. "So hard to function as both a working officer and an Orion woman."


He pondered for a moment, thinking back to his past love interests, and personal life when it conflicted with the fleet. "I too often dealt in absolutes."


"Easier for you, Travis. You're human... no one has prejudices about you from the moment you step into a room. They see me, and the only question in their mind is how long it'll be before I take my clothes off." She smirked, shaking her head. "Don't go saying something smartass. You witnessed the exception, where I did just that."


He smiled at her, trying not to set off that temper. "There are plenty or aliens around that have prejudices against humans. But you..." He paused as he put his hands on her shoulders, "You carry yourself like no officer I've seen before."


She exhaled slowly, smiling in a genuine manner. "You don't know how much that means to me."


He gave her another kiss on the forehead. "I think I can imagine."

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