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Ember Prospera

"Finding Herself"

Ember Prospera's Personal Log - "Finding Herself"


Ember wasn't used to someone not liking her. Growing up & being in the family she was, people always adored her & her sister. Fawned over them. Was desperate to be in their company. Yes, Ember wasn't used to someone looking at her with such utter digust & hate. She couldn't help but be bothered a little by it.


However, Ember had grown up jaded from the lifestyle she had become used to. She knew people only liked her because of her status. Her name. Her riches. Or, her family's riches. Prestige was so important to the N'diri. Reputation. & control. Even those who embraced their empathic & telepathic abilities were scoffed at. How dare they not keep themselves under control. To play with such explosive & unpreditable things. Her parents had discussed with her sister & her about the importance of controlling their abilities. No daughter of theirs could tarnish the family name with such rubbish. In all honesty, Ember was glad to be away from her home planet. Away from the pressures to perfect. To be herself. She had begun to find herself in this time away. In science. In her career.


& the journey was just beginning.

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