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Cptn Corizon

The Glory, Wrath and Wisdom of the Gods

The lights of an ancient city reflected off the deep, dark pools of water far below the surface of Tamerisn Vega. A slight awe overcame the two men seeing the scene for the first times in their long lives.


Massive monolithic building arose from the floor of the cavern, like gigantic stalagmites. A grand bridge spanned the sea of dark water separating the outside world from the city nestled hundreds of miles below ground. Arching like the back of a great scorpiad, and carved in the likeness of a tail with stingers for lights, the bridged awaited them.


“The Great City of the Mari,” one of the men said. Dressed in all black, pale skin and glowing eyes mirrored the vista before them.


“Indeed Lariun,” the other said. “I never thought my eyes would see the glory of the gods before us, but we should hurry, they will be awaiting our report of our…mission.”



2 Months Ago


It was a placid day on Surma, President Hafin Jain stood over looking the city. In the skies above, a small fleet of Surmian warships circled in formations, doing exercises.


The Captain of the lead Surmaian warship leaned back into his chair. His operations officer looked up quite concerned. “Captain! I am picking up three...no...four...no seven distortions.”


The Captain leaned foreword. “On Screen!”


Seven Scorpiad G'Jak-class battle cruisers phased into the space above Surma; the pride of the Scorpiad Empire, their work would be short and swift.


“Their weapons appear to be charging…”


“Hail them!”


“No response.”


“By the Gods…”


The screaming black warships tore through the hapless Surmaian vessels, running roughshod through the primitive Orbital Defense systems hovering above the planet. Aboard the lead ship, General Kglagk clicked his claws, pleased with the success thus far.


As the ships entered into orbit flying above the central government buildings, the population of Surma watched in horror as the screaming black ships of myth, the demons of the Dark Phage returned to reclaim what was theirs.


General Kglagk glanced to his communications officer. “Let us reclaim this world in the name of the Empire, let them see the Divine Wrath of the Gods…”




Aboard the USS Ardent Commander Ah-Windu Corizon entered the medbay with a slight limp. He took a deep breath. The brace on his leg was ready to be removed, if for no other reason, they were on final approach to the next, and hopefully final location on this little scavenger hunt the gods of the Dominion had put them onto and he intended to be there when they found the prize.


Weyoun was also in medical—alive. Apparently he’d just suffered a minor contusion…or something like that; Corizon had been shot at three different times in the period of 20 hours, and his ability to understand medical mumbo jumbo was seriously diminished.


“Commander,” Weyoun’s sickeningly cheery voice greeted the Dameon to the smallish sickbay of the Ardent. “I was hoping you’d stop by.”


“I am sure you were,” Corizon’s voice was gruff, but not rude. “It is agreeable to see you alive and well, it would be a shame if you died before we accomplished our mission…”


“In deed, you seem to be lacking in the equipment for a Weyoun 10…”


“I am not entirely sure that’s a bad thing,” Corizon quipped.


Weyoun tilted his head slightly, not entirely sure that was a joke, “Humor…such a strange concept…”


Corizon snorted. “I suppose,” he wanted to change the subject. “I am curious as to why the automated defenses of that outpost kicked on after you gained access…”


“The system is set to protect it against non-Dominion targets,” Weyoun assured him. “But prior to my activation of the systems, it was set on passive defense mode.”


“I see,” Corizon didn’t completely buy that, but it wasn’t worth pressing. “It’s just good that we were able get what we needed and…”


Weyoun stopped him, “Commander, if you don’t mind skipping right through the small talk…”




“Who were those vessels who attacked us, right before I was…injured?”


“We ran into them a few months ago when the Morningstar was on it’s mission to Surma,” Corizon said sullenly, memories of that experience rushing back to him. “They call themselves the Al-Ucard…they’re…well…”


Weyoun leaned foreword intently, he’d never heard of this race of people before now and his curiosity was piqued.


“They’re hunters of the night…”


“By the Founders…”


Corizon looked over, now he was the interested one. “Something wrong?”


Shaking off the sudden realization, “I believe we’ve just encountered an agent of the enemy.”


“In league with the Scorpiads?”


Nodding, “The Founder spoke of many things, and said much that I still do not fully understand or comprehend for such is the wisdom of the Founders…


The Founder spoke of a race of great hunters, creatures of the night she called them. She said that they hunted down the Founders after…”




Weyoun shirked, he hadn’t meant to expose so much of the story. “During the last war.”


Corizon narrowed his glance for a few moments before withdrawing the look. “Well then, we should assume now that we are being watched, we’ll have to proceed with utmost alacrity…”


“I hope only that wisdom of the Founders has not been wasted upon me…”


Sighing for a moment, Corizon placed a firm hand on Weyoun’s shoulder. “Any god who would be displeased with your loyalty is no god at all…”

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