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And Justice for all

<A joint lo between, Schawnsee and Arch Angelis acting as Admiral Anderson>




   Kat is sitting in the outer chambers awaiting the verdict to be brought in. She was afraid to even look towards the door.


   Admiral Anderson instructed the security guard posted to bring the defendant back into the courtroom area.  Kat looked up as the Sec officer opened the door and motioned for her to come with him. She stood and walked slowly out the door and standing before the Admiral. She remained silent knowing how much trouble she is in.


Admiral Anderson asked, looking down at the commander,  "Commander are you ready to receive the judgment of this tribunal, and to comply with the court findings,and judgment??"


   "Yes sir." Kat says in a very worried tone of voice. "I am Sir.".


   Admiral Anderson nodded, "Very well." He then signaled the reporter to read back the charges. When finished,he asked .."Commander is there any statement ,or additional evidence on your behalf you may wish to present to this court before sentence is passed?"


  Kat looked to the floor, knowing what has been told in the tribunal is all truth. She then took a deep breath and standing straight and tall. With a voice trying to show some confidence she replied. "No Sir. Everything is how it was stated, I stand ready to receive punishment for my actions."


  Admiral Anderson standing and looking down regretfully for a moment,then back up. "Very well then, it is the judgment of this tribunal, you have been found guilty as charged, you have committed an act unbecoming the conduct of an officer in star fleet and charged with the safe conduct,and protection of an ambassador, to insure the safety of said individual in your charge. Furthermore the resulting ramifications from said dereliction of duty on your part has greatly threatened the very safety, as well as progress ,and negoiations of the federation in this sector. Off the record, you have caused one hell of a mess." At that Kat looks to the floor, away from the Admiral. "For the record , due to your excellent record,and your past demonstration of duty to the fleet , and this federation, the normal mandatory sentence has been commuted. You shall be reduced in rank to ...Ensign. You have the option of staying in star fleet, and being reassigned, or you may resign your commission, this is the judgment of this tribunal. Do you have any future questions for this court?"


  "Kat looked up to the Admiral a bit relieved that she does have a choice. All the years in Star Fleet have paid off. "Only one question Sir, If I take the Ensign rank and continue in Star fleet, How long do I have to wait for a posting to another vessel?"

    The Admiral looked at Kat. "Is that your final query Ensign? If so this tribunal shall stand adjourned,and sentence passed."


     Looking to the floor once more Kat nods. She is then taken by the arm by the Security staff and led towards the Admiral as he stepped off of the platform.


  Admiral Anderson slammed the gavel down..."Very well, reporter ...let the records reflect this courts decision, furthermore the accused has accepted sentence, and requested her options. Let the record show this tribunal has met all regulatory requirements of court martial proceedings as set forth in the rules and regulations of Star Fleet  Command, and were strictly adhered to. I shall take personal charge of this matter hence forth, and insure the sentence shall be carried out in the best interest of the Federation. This Tribunal is dismissed."


     Kat looked up to the Admiral. She lightly sighed at the demotion she has now received. Although this was better than being kicked out of Star Fleet altogether. Now to find out what other options she has. "Am I to remain here Sir? or

go to my quarters until summoned."


   Admiral looked back at Kat. "One moment please, stand by. Reporter forward all copies of the records to Commander Star Fleet, and Jag officer. Ensign come with me please." He turned and entered his ready room.


    Kat, taking a deep breath and looking at the Security officer,  whom let go of her arm. She then followed the Admiral into the ready room and stands at the door at attention. The Admiral taking a seat behind his desk, motioned to the sec officer to stand down, and dismissed him. "Please Kat stand at ease, secure the door please, and then take a seat." he said to her, turning, he pours a cup of coffee for himself...and slides one he poured for Kat over to her.


    Kat, doing as told, secures the door. She then walked back towards him and sits where indicated. Still stiff as a board and very nervous.


    Smiling, the admiral relaxed his expression and leaned back in his chair. "Well Ensign, I did all I possibly could to keep you from being dishonorably dismissed from the fleet, and out of Rura Pente , or a copper mine...please...relax."


    "Thank you Sir. It is much appreciated. The charges were true but it was an accident I assure you. I feel bad about the entire incident. You said I had options. Could you please explain?" Kat sits back a bit in the chair. She still has a straight posture in the chair. She had a feeling that there was a, 'I did you a favor now you can do one for me' coming from this.


  The Admiral noticing her still being wary. "I assure you. There is not an ulterior motive in mind for you," sipping his coffee, "I have followed your career, and well aware of the facts as they pertain to the incident. "furthermore, I am well aware that it was an accident...and I believe you. However the letter of the regulations that we, as star fleet officers must follow, found you guilty.  As you are well aware of, regulations require you to, if necessary place your own life in jeopardy to insure the safety of those in your charge and that is where the regulations got you. Therefore, by the strictest letter of the regulations you were remiss, or derelict in your duty."


       "Yes sir. I agree I was. I am not disagreeing with the judgment in the least. I am pleasantly surprised as a matter of fact. And again I thank you. The only thing I am questioning are the Options you spoke of. Am I to go back to the

USS Tango as an Ens? And since I am an Ensign,  I presume I will not take the CSEC post back."


   "Yes and no, to answer to your question. Yes you will return to the Tango, but only long enough to gather your personal belongings, and you are ordered not to speak to anyone of this matter under any circumstances on the Tango. You will then be transferred to another ship."


  "No one?  May I ask Why Sir?" Kat asked curiously. She would like to at lease tell her Commanding officers goodbye.


    "You may ask."... smiling at her. "ok,here is the deal...I have, lets say pulled in some favors owed to me. I have made arrangements for you to be transferred to another star ship. None finer, for a ship and crew.  You will be reporting to the U.S.S.Reaent as ASEC, under your other name. You will be in a totally different quadrant, and well out of sight, out of mind. God knows, Ensign, there were some involved who were screaming for your blood. Now I understand you have ...ummm, shall we say family there, and you may brief them on the general information. Under sworn secrecy of course. Do not divulge or seek to bring this matter to common knowledge. To do so would undermine all I have tried to avoid, and I guarantee it would not bode well for you... or you can resign from the fleet, and take your chances in the private sector...I highly recommend you take my offer." 


     "Thank you Sir, I will take your offer as proposed." Kat thinks for a second,  "Sir? you said my other name? " Kat sits closer to the edge of the chair noticeably confused about this. "What other name are you referring to?"


   "Yes...your American Indian one. In essence you have a new start, and the possibility of a new career. Off the record I shall hate losing an outstanding officer and the Reaents gain is my loss. Should you run into difficulties, contact me immediately.  I do not foresee any, but this is an infinite universe, with infinite possibilities." Anderson looking out of the portal at the beauty of a nearby nebula.


    "I see, Thank you Sir. I will only tell my family that I have been transferred and will not give then specific details of it. I will explain to them it is classified. Sir? when do I report to the USS Reaent? "


    Anderson turned to face Kat once more. "As soon as you gather your personal things from the Tango. You are to proceed to the Tigress. Your orders have already been cut, and forwarded. The Tigress will rendezvous with the Reaent, and you will transfer then. Well this is the last time I may call you Commander, Kat... You will always be one of my finest officers ...but when you leave this ready room you are Ensign from now on, and  I will address you as such. If I can assist you in any way, please do not hesitate." He then held out his hand towards Kat.


    Kat stood and taking the Admirals hand. "Thank you sir for all you have done. I hope to someday regain that Cmdr rank. I will do all I can to do so."


   Anderson  nodded, "You are welcome Ensign. And if I know the officers under my command, you will gain it back someday. Good luck and god speed..".dismissed." He watched solemnly as she turned and left his office.


    Kat smiled finding out she had made favor with at least one Admiral. She turned and left the room to follow the orders given to her and to start a new career. She would gain the rank again she had no doubt,  

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