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Regaining of the ship

Midshipman William T. Spitfire

Assistant Security Officer

USS Agincourt


Spitfire was waiting behind a consol, in engineering, trying to figure out how to help the hostiges. He was ordering his team all around engineering incase they get into a firefight. He checked his tricoders again, trying to find out where all the enemys are.


"Anything new up there?" He asked JoNs.


"A few posible plans are being explored. Basicly? Be ready to move and be ready for anything. Pretty much when all hades breaks out." She replied.


Half an hour later, a sonic pulse was realsed and gases poored out of the vents. He looked around seeing a few of his team knocked out.


Suddenly, JoNs sent out a message to him. "Get your masks on."


He put on a mask. "All team, masks on now!"


As he wait a few minutes later, it was quiet. He walked around looking at all the knocked out romulans and klingons.He suddenly saw Murry's light.


"Nice of you to help."


"Alright, lets start by removing their weapons," Murry replied.


He ordered some of his team to drag the romulans and klingons to the brig.


A few minutes later JoNs contaced him, "How's it going Midshipman?"


"We have the romulans and klingons down here taken out."


He started draging a romulan to the the brig.


A few minutes later, JoNs commed all the teams. "This is a general call. The command team need confirmation that all hostiles are nutralized."


"Hostiles on deck 7 and ME are nutralized."


He through the romulan into the brig and went back to ME. It was a long day. They had regained the ship, but they had to deal with the knocked out romulans and klingons.

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