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Going That Extra Distance

“Going That Extra Distance”

April 19, 2156

Lieutenant Dave Grey



It was a bit chilly. Dave was not accustomed to wearing so little clothing; the clothing was tight too. But it did not matter so much. In a few minutes they would have utter control of the environmental systems; maybe then he could tweak the temperature.


He looked at the console with minor irritation. Orion was not his strong suit, obviously, but he could interpret the layout easily enough. Now they would have to use his scanner to override the access codes. From his experience with the locking mechanism in their suite, this ship was certainly not 'top-of-the-line', and it was clear that the security systems could use improvement. That would cost money, however!


The plan was simple: subdue the entire crew of Orion males using the synthetic pheromone previously prepared by Doctors McCellan, Marlin, and himself. It made sense, and Grey hoped it would work. If not, then he hoped that the others fared better in their attempts at taking the bridge.


Grey fingered the vial of pheromones gingerly as he waited for environmental systems to bend to their will. It would be just a matter of time. . . .

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