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Guest Laarell

"Beginning Steps"

"Beginning Steps"

Lt. Cmdr. Itzhak, Ensign Quelsar, and Lt. Teykier

April 07, 23--



Laarell stepped into the Science Lab, briefly glancing in the direction of the Spider's Terrarium before heading into Itzhak's office. No time for tormenting the arachnid; it was Work Time.


Seeing an ensign she wasn't familiar with, she nodded politely. "Hello, Ensign...?"


"Quelsar, sir ... and you must be Laarell Teykier?"


"I am. Pleased to meet you." She smiled, directing her attentions to Itzhak. "I hear we have a communications array to build."


Itzhak nodded, briefly. "I'm going to need your expertise on communications system and your pair of hands."


"Well, that's why I'm here." She looked around for a handy note-PADD. "Communications are my forte."


Itzhak handed Laarell a spare one. "Step it up to fortissimo, my dear."


"Fortississimo, in fact. Just for you, because I still love my Science Lab." She looked at Quelsar. "We'll be constructing a Denali-class communications array."


Quelsar glanced up at the two ranking officers. "I've been working on the primary power source, which doesn't seem like it should be a problem"


Itzhak nodded. "I read through Mr. Graham's report, and all three sites look promising. How do you propose we begin?"


"I suggest that we begin by constructing the building that the communications array will be situated in. The floorplan has not yet been given to us by Starfleet. Once we get that out of the way, we can start on the emitters," the communications specialist answered.


"We should probably create the floorplan in such a way that it will fit comfortably in any of the three site choices."


Itzhak stood up and nodded at the Andorian. "Agreed. Computer, display."


Laarell looked over his shoulder. "What have we here? The equipment schematics?"


"The computer displays the equipment schematics and the material currently available."


"Which materials are we currently lacking?" Teykier asked.


"I am unsure, it all depends on how we build the thing. The list is made from using all the most efficient resources. Do you see something that we lack?"


She looked at Quelsar. "Do you have any experience constructing a base of this kind?"


Quelsar shook her head, "no, though I have worked on the simulated construction of spatial arrays,"


The Orion nodded. "That'll help. You're familiar with construction in general, then." She turned her attentions back to the computer console. "Depending on the location of the base we will need to requisition different insulating materials."


Itzhak nodded once again. "Maybe another heater or two."


Quelsar looked over at Itzhak and shook her head, 'I don't know, the cold might be nice.' Her antennae waving in silent amusement, Quelsar returned to her attention to her console. She'd never quite gotten used to the warmth that seemed to take over human-oriented locations.


"Environmental controls will be worked in as we develop the floor plan." She looked at Quelsar, smirking. "Andorians ... everything has to be kept like an old-fashioned refrigerator. But hey, that's what Starfleet is all about. Diversity."


"At least," Quelsar replied with a small smile, "the temperatures aren't a match for Cardassian comfort -- like walking into an oven."


Itzhak hummed lightly to himself, gathering up his PADDs. "Alrighty, let's get started..."

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