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Gone in a flash...

How had it all started,just an average day,then the alert sounded,I had just reported

to Zafira and presented my new physical,and clean bill of health,gone over the data

comparisons with him on the information we had collected,and compared it to known

mission logs data.


The data demonstrated a possible connection as well as very similar data from the

battle at peoples head,I recommended to Zafira that the command staff be brought

up to speed of our new information,after discussing the matter I left for my fighter to

perform a visual check off of repairs,and weapons loading...then it happened,we got

the order to scramble and join up with the shuttle,provide cover from the possible

encounter with enemy forces,the commander and I spooled up,and cleared,took off

and proceeded to the designated coordinates.


Upon arrival at the station zafira ordered me to establish and fly a parameter close

to the station and maintain a defensive posture,I moved into position,powered up my

weapons system and fired up the sensors ,of course Zafira maintained a close cover

vantage position,well things seemed ok...as a matter of fact pretty routine patrol but

the situation began to unravel in short order,first with the sensors beginning to detect

energy spikes eminating from the station,I listened and monitored the flash traffic as

the order was given to the AT to evac,Zafira chimed in to take up a position to be

able to "plow the road",.if necessary to enable the shuttle to return to the Reaent ,safely as possible,their data and the saftey of the crew was of upmost importance.


The energy spikes continued to grow larger,and more rapid as if a massive energy

buildup were in progress,and still no shuttle sighted,I informed Zafira when I was in position to take the lead position to run interference...We listened as the shuttle did

report it was taking off with crew on board, I keyed my comm. link,and advised my

friend,and fellow fighter pilot V'Roy he really needed to get the hell out of there,in

a half hearted attempt to make sure my friend was ok,and of course let him know

we were there to cover them...I initiated a full burn,then throttled back to cruise at

a speed to enable coverage of the shuttle,and enough distance to intercept anyone

that may pose a threat between the Reaent and our shuttle.


I heard Zafira excalim as a small object emerged from the portal that had been

all but dormant.....it suddenly came to life,and spewed out something,an object

later proving to be deadly to the shuttle and crew,albeit the object was small in the

extent it paled in size even to our small fighter craft,it nonetheless emitted an energy

beam directed at the shuttle....it was deadly accurate, I and Zafira watched in shock

and horror as the shuttle literally erupted,exploding,...gone in a brief flash of light

"Oh my god"...I had exclaimed,before the words were even formed in my thoughts

the object subsequently exploded,probably a self destruction to prevent any chance

of capture...I slammed my closed fist's on the console top in my cockpit,not again..

I can only hope the Reaent had a lock on the crew before the utter annihialation of

the shuttle,and the deaths of the crew,especially my friend...my vulcan friend and

fellow pilot,V'Roy.....I am tired of burying friends, I want revenge....End Log:

Edited by eagle

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