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Cptn Corizon


The turbolift doors opened onto yet another deck. Brian wasn't quite sure how many places he'd been in the last hour but they all seemed to have blurred together. All Brian knew was that Camelot's shuttlebay was on this deck, which was where Commander Corizon had summoned him for reasons unknown to him. His speculations ended as he entered the shuttlebay and saw the Commander several meters away; Brian immediately set an intercept course.


"Commander, you sent for me?"


“I’ll keep this short,” he glanced over at the Andorian. “We’re going to start colonizing the planet below. We need a low fly by of three possible colony sites for a central base facility. I’d like you to do the fly by. Report back to Captain Sorehl once you’ve finished.”


He glanced over at Brian. “That will be all.”




Corizon glanced over at the Klingon Governor. “Good to see you’re still alive, Governor.”


K’Vorlag grunted. “Barely.”


“I am sure that your undying persistence not to…well die has been quite the source of annoyance for many over the years.”


K’Vorlag looked over the Dameon a few times, trying to assess whether that was an insult or a compliment. In the end he decided it was an irrelevant comment. “Well what has brought you here?”


A small smile creased the Dameon’s lips, revealing a small glimpse at his fangs. Not many people wanted to visit a rehabilitating Klingon. “I have a proposal for you.”


“A proposal,” he grunted. “You don’t look like a diplomat.”


Nodding his own agreement, “I think that’s why Sorehl sent me. Either that or he has plans to get roaring drunk with his Green Blooded Cousins.”


“Somehow,” K’Vorlag let out a hardy, Klingon Laugh. “I seriously doubt that.”


“Well…where was I,” Corizon scratched at an ear.


“The proposal.”


“Oh,” he said twitching his ears slightly. “That. Well, to make this simple, Governor. Captain Sorehl and myself are of the opinion that we need to make our foothold more permanent in the Avalon system. We feel that we…”


“And what does Admiral Day think of this?” K’Vorlag intrupted.


Ears dropping to either side. “The Admiral is currently…indisposed.”


K’Vorlag seemed unconvinced with the misdirection. Corizon sighed. “Okay he’s unconscious in sickbay. He got knocked out when the Exclaibur got attacked by the Scorpiads…”


“The whose-a-whats-it?!?”


Corizon stroked his non-existent beard for a moment, twitching his ears. “I see you haven’t been updated on the latest status reports.”


“Obviously,” K’Vorlag said nearly growling. He didn’t like being kept out of the loop.


“I’ll have someone brief you more fully later,” Corizon said quickly. “But to make a very long story short, we have a pretty good idea who’s been doing all this attacking lately.”




“Yes,” he said. “I suppose there’s no harm in telling you now.”


“Telling me what?”


“Well you see,” Corizon found himself fumbling for words. He was not a diplomat!


“Spit it out!” K’Vorlag’s voice became louder.


Twitching his ears, and nearly growling, Corizon opened his mouth and closed it a few times before speaking. “Well, we sort of let Weyoun go speak to the female Founder on Earth.”


“You did….” K’Vorlag’s voice nearly angry, nearly flat out shocked. “Let me get this right, Commander. You, and by you I mean the Federation, let that sniveling, dishonorable war criminal go back to the Alpha Quadrant. Do you know how many people died to make sure that little… jay'QI'yaH never set foot in the Quadrant again!?”


Corizon leaned back against the wall of Camelot Station. “Quite simply,” he said with a nod. “Yes.”


K’Vorlag looked to him, demanding further explanation. “But what we gained out of it,” Corizon finally said, “May very well save us all.”


“You should hope so,” K’Vorlag finally said. “There are many in my Government, that if they knew what you just told me, would either kill you where you stand, or declare war on the Federation…or both.”


“Then I am lucky you are no most Klingons,” Corizon said slyly.




“I’ll arrange for the full contents of the Weyoun report to be forwarded to you, Governor. He’s due back in a day or so, with more Federation reinforcements.”


“Maj,” K’Vorlag nodded. “Now…about this proposal.”




On the Bridge of the USS Magellan, Captain Jay Effwin sighed as he watched his ship enter the Gamma Quadrant. He’d fought in the Dominion War. He’d lost a ship, two sons, a brother, and half the people he’d went to the Academy with to stop Weyoun. Now, five years later, he was delivering the very same man.


“Captain,” his helmsman interrupted the train of thought. “We’ve entered the Gamma Quadrant. The Fleet is awaiting your orders.”


Effwin nodded. For the time being, he was in command of the gaggle of ships headed to Camelot Station, where the USS Lexington under the command of Captain Perry Como would take command of the Britannia Fleet.


“Signal the Fleet,” he finally said. “Set course for the Avalon system. Warp 6.”




In the VIP Quarters of the Magellan Weyoun glanced out the window as stars streamed by. Stars he could only vaguely see. “I thank you for your hospitality,” Weyoun said.


“You’re welcome,” Effwin said, a slightly begrudging tone to his voice.


“My transport to the Alpha Quadrant wasn’t nearly as…accommodating.”


“We try and do the best we can…”


“Even for someone who you so virulently hate,” Weyoun noted the apprehension in the Captain’s voice.


“I wouldn’t go that far,” Effwin protested. “Dislike you greatly. Sure.”


“I am not sure I will ever understand the human compassion for…forgiveness.”


“I like to think it’s one of our greater strengths,” Effwin said, though it was all he could do not to toss the impetuous little Vorta out the nearest Airlock.


“Funny,” Weyoun let out a slight laugh. “I was going to say weakness. I suppose we have differing views.”


Grunting slightly, “Well I didn’t come down here to discuss any of that…”


“Right, my apologies.”


“We’re less than day from Camelot Station.”


“Excellent, If you could arrange for me to speak with the Dominion Representive…”


Effwin held up his hand. “I am afraid I can’t do that.”


“What?” Weyoun said a bit more indignantly that he’d intended.


“Well,” Effwin rung his hands. “There isn’t one.”


“Excuse me?”


Effwin started to repeat himself, then reminded himself of the Vorta’s excellent hearing. “We contacted Camelot a few hours ago, anticipating such a request.”





“Captain Sorehl informed me that the Dominion have well…”


“Captain I do not care about your need to soften the blow, simply tell me.”


Fair enough. “The Dominion has been attacked by…someone. Hundreds of worlds have been left in ruin. And the Communications network has failed for the moment. The Dominion forces at Camelot retreated back to the Vorta Council planet. I understand that a Romulan-Federation Delagation has been dispatched to the Vorta to try and find out what the devil is going on but…”


“No contact has been made,” Weyoun’s voice had gone from cocky and arrogant to quite surprised. “Then the Founder was correct.”


Now it was Effwin that was uninformed. “Excuse me?”


“Nothing,” Weyoun shook off his detachment. “Thank you for this briefing. I shall need to speak with Captain Sorehl…at once.”


“Of course.”

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