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Col. C.E. Harper

"2πr Thoughts"

"2πr Thoughts"

Harper Log 03.22.06

June 24, 2397

Disaster zone


What could possibly happen in two days?


Harper suddenly, violently wished Davies were here. For one thing, were he here, this wouldn’t be her headache. For another thing – it was clearly all his fault.


But wishing would neither restore communications nor stun Romulans. She looked around the bridge, the tense faces looking back at her or bent over their consoles.


Now was the time for information. Never mind what could (possibly) happen (in two days) – what had happened? Operations planned in a vacuum were doomed from the start.


Efficiently she ordered her thoughts. First – were hostiles anywhere other than Main Engineering and deck seven? Second, how many critical systems were at risk? Third, who was inside engineering, and how could they help? And fourth, how long did they have before this became an international incident?


Time to get to work. Because the answer to that last question, whatever else it might be, was almost certainly ‘not long enough.’


But what could possibly happen in two days?

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