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That Tingly Feeling

"That Tingly Feeling"

March 27, 2156

Ensign Kyle Sisson




"What are the chances “supernatural” beings exist in the universe?" This is something Kyle thought not very likely. But the fact on one day being called to deliver a certain Globe to the Captain this has all changed.


Walking into the Captain’s quarters made Kyle a little nervous, and seeing the glowing globe made him think it would contain some strange special force inside. Upon taking it and heading to sickbay he started to tingle a bit, but thought something strange was happening. Soon enough, particles were emanating from his mouth, taking the form of a woman. After listening to a conversation with the woman, his Commander, and fellow security officer, Kyle thought he was going a little crazy. Not something he would of imagined could happen on a starship.


A week passed and some “after-effects” from his experienced remained. Every once in a while Sisson would feel that same tingly feeling and start to wonder if that woman had really left his body. Trying to suppress this memory, although he could never really achieve the same level as a Vulcan, he did his best to forget. On the bridge, on guard duty for the staff meeting, Sean Xiang, a new friend to Sisson, just happened to mention his experience. Although he was a little eager to tell what happened, he calmly stated “Id rather not talk about it.” And hasn’t been bothered since.

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