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Guest Laarell

"Out of Tranquility"

"Out of Tranquility"

Lt. Laarell Teykier

March 12, 23--


Polar opposites.


Working on the Bridge and in the Lab could not be better described than as polar opposites. Where much of a scientist's time was spent in quiet contemplation of the universe's mysteries, anyone working on the Bridge was always on his or her toes.


But Laarell loved the type of hubbub surrounding the beehive that was the Bridge. Always myriads of people carrying about their business ... always decisions to be made, reports to be filed, subordinates to manage.


Worlds apart, the two sectors of Excalibur were. A tight little department like science had everyone working on one thing at once, collaborating, scheming, and more often than should be admitted, arguing.


The Bridge, on the other hand, was the nerve center of the entire ship, and nearly all of the senior staff was available for discussions. This was where the efforts of each department was presented to the command staff for approval. Where the decisions were made. Quite a change from the tranquil, snug corner of the Lab a few feet away from her tyrant of a spider.


A change of pace, to be sure, but nothing the effervescent Orion couldn't handle. She was acquainted with some of the Bridge crew, which was of assistance while settling in.


Still, she'd had very little exposure to the C.O. and Exec. Day really did care about his crew; that much she'd been able to glean in the few occasions she'd been around him.


Corizon was still a mystery to her, and she suspected to the rest of the crew for that matter. No one was completely certain of the exact events regarding Corizon's disappearance on Al-Ucard. Laarell had her own theories on the matter, although she was too polite to voice them.


She knew that the claw-fang combination disturbed some of the crewmembers that had not been exposed to the more exotic species dwelling in their little corner of the Milky Way. In some ways. Laarell really could not have cared less. And then again, there was something more menacing about the good commander than was usually found in Starfleet.


Laarell looked over the operations console again. She was glad that she'd taken the extra courses, even if the primary reason had been that her little Hortan friend was enrolled in them. They'd certainly paid off, even if it meant she wasn't within biting range of Citrus any longer...

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