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Guest TParek

"The Newfangled Uses They Find For Tools"

"The Newfangled Uses They Find For Tools"

Lieutenant j.g. T'Parek

February 27, 2156


Even for a Vulcan, it's a bit unsettling come face to face with enemies that you've never before seen, especially when all you can see of them is a layer of armor and their weapons pointed at you.


Ah, Romulans. Myths swirled around the very name like tornados. They were actually silicon-based, according to some insane Tellarite researcher. If you followed the Andorian theories, Romulans were a methane inhaling liquid species. And if you were one of the daft few that followed the Bolian Science Commission's bizarre philosophy, they were evil offshoots of Vulcans.


The nerve of the Bolians to make such a preposterous suggestion.


T'Parek took a few mental notes on what she could make of their appearance while they saw fit to keep the Sickbay at gunpoint. Taller than she would have suspected; around seven to eight feet tall. The armor at least gave them the appearance of being bipedal humanoids.


As suddenly as they had appeared, the alien intruders vanished, leaving Sickbay in the hands of the Starfleet personnel once more.


Were the problems for the valiant crew of the Challenger over? Of course not! That'd make it easy! And Starfleet's finest are not picked to solve the easy problems.


T'Parek bolted out of the medical bay towards Engineering, following Aaron closely. Lo and behold if it wasn't the newest addition to the MACO unit. Baxter was the name. T'Parek had finally ceased to think of him as 'the replacement for the one she killed' and as a separate identity. Now, that identity was going to have to be changed to 'the impostor'.


She'd be damned if 'Baxter' didn't morph into an alien female before the little squad's eyes. The things one sees on a starship...


Neither Westler, Vank, nor T'Parek had a clean shot at the pale-skinned intruder, but with a skilled aim, Aaron was able to knock her out with a good old-fashioned wrench.


The new uses for tools they find every day...

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