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"On The Shores of Heartbreak Lake"

"On The Shores of Heartbreak Lake"

Lieutenants j.g. Matt Vank and T'Parek

February 23, 2156


The small breeze whistled passed Matt's forehead. It was a sunny day -- a beautiful day. Matt just got done taking a short tour of the land with a couple security officers. He decided that the lake near him might be able to make him relax. Matt thought to himself, 'You sure don't get to have a lake and a small breeze on Challenger'.


Matt paced his way towards the lake. The shiny water delighted Matt but that was not what caught his eye. Matt gazed to the other side of the lake where he saw T'Parek meditating. Matt continued his way towards T'Parek until he approached her, hoping she'd notice him.


She didn't, or well, maybe she did but she didn't say a word. Matt chose to speak first, "Nice breeze isn't it?"


T'Parek opened her eyes slowly, staring straight ahead. "Is there something about this particular lake that is drawing every officer on Challenger to it?" Somehow, her words struck a raw nerve as she imagined Gardner down by this shore.


Was T'Parek annoyed or angry? 'Can Vulcans even have those emotions?' Matt thought. Matt hesitantly replied, "Nothing like sitting by a lake with the sun shining down on a cool summer day. The breeze helps too. How be you?"


"I've been better. It's rather difficult to meditate when one is continually interrupted."


"Woah, chill. I didn't mean to disturb you. How does this meditation thing work anyways?" Matt questioned T'Parek.


"Perhaps you would be interested in studying the arts of meditation, Lieutenant."


"Maybe. Maybe you could teach me. I have nothing better to do, Lieutenant," Matt blurted out the word Lieutenant on purpose, "I wasn't aware we had to call each other by rank on shore leave."


"We don't have to." She motioned to a large granite rock next to her. "Please, have a seat."


Matt looked at the rock and then back to her. He slowly took a seat on the rock.


"Before I begin to instruct you, there was a matter I wished to discuss."


Matt knew this could mean anything, so he therefore asked, "Sure?"


She paused, carefully choosing her words. "A few months ago, Lieutenant Westler hinted that you were attracted to me. This is not the case, is it?" She wasn't being rude or accusative about it. Matter of fact. Curious.


"And so? You...are beautiful..."


He could not have surprised her more if he had suddenly fired a phase pistol at her. "Beautiful?" she asked, stunned. "Beauty is illogical. The random placement of features on a person's face."


Matt did not like what she had said to him. "Inner beauty, outer beauty, it doesn't matter, you have both. I am not familiar with Vulcan relationships. Tell me, how can Vulcans reproduce and not love each other? "


"It is not discussed among outsiders." Her tone had turned to ice. "Then you admit that you have feelings for me."


He couldn't give her any more of an answer than, "Yes."


"I see." Vank was attractive in his own right; she'd give him that. "However, you should know that it'd be impossible for me to ever have a relationship with you."


Matt was speechless, although not shocked. Was it really possible for him to imagine a Vulcan wanting to have any relationship with a human? Matt did not say anything but, "...I...un..derstand... ."


"You cannot understand. Do not attempt to. The requirements placed on me by my family; my House." She shook her head and almost frowned. "You cannot understand," she repeated.


"Well, then, whatever you say."


She didn't seem to hear him. "I am telepathically bonded to another. A Vulcan man."


He stared there in silence yet again. "Vulcans don't tell that to everyone, do they?"


"No," she admitted. "But I wanted you to know that I am not giving you the..." she paused. "The brush off."


Matt nodded with the disappointment still shaking him. He looked towards the hills. "Indeed."


T'Parek placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. "It is not your fault. And it's not my choice, either."


Matt had learned something about Vulcan culture today, and he did not like it. He thought it should be her choice, and not her family's. Matt slowly rose from the rock. "I think it's best that I go now."


She nodded. "Perhaps so." She glanced at him again before returning her gaze to the water. "I would appreciate it if you didn't mention this to anyone."


Matt slightly nodded and began to walk away. "I'll see you around."


"Thank you, for listening to me, Matt," she called after him softly.

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