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Feb. 17, 2006 (2383)

Sky Harbor Aegis



Left Ear had been aboard Aegis for a few hours now, meeting with the staff and becoming familiar with station protocols. She had been briefly involved with an ongoing investigation into the mysterious USS Archer that was now in several battered pieces in one of the cargo bays. After assisting with some clue finding, namely that some kind of blast had destroyed the ship from inside out, and an odd bio-matter splatter on one of the pieces of debris, Left Ear and another new crewmember, Carst, had been sent to sickbay for some check ups and torture…err…razzing.


It was a long standing tradition to haze or razz any newcomers to a station or ship posting. Typically, several people from the departments would see to the razzing duties. It could be anything from sending new recruits to deck 23 of a 17 deck starship, to Vulcan Snipe hunting in the aft engineering section. Left Ear herself had participated and also been in her share of razzies. It was a way to say “you’re new, and we are going to mess with you for a bit, but welcome to the family.”


Medical would get in on the act with threats of torture during the physical, as did the Medical staff of the Aegis, namely Dr. LePage. The doctor had an easy way about him, so it really wasn’t all that bad.


An Ensign Shephard, of the Security department, had done the traditional razzing duties also as their assigned escort, and quite well she might add. He threatened to beam the two new Midshipmen to the brig if they attempted to dodge their physicals. Well actually, that WOULD have been funny as Left Ear and some fellow senior cadets had once done that to a couple of new crewmembers many eons ago on the USS Zhukov.


Unfortunately, the mood altered a bit, at least for her, when the Ensign then pulled a phaser on the two Midshipmen after leaving the sickbay. A charged phaser no less, found out after some quick questioning. Perhaps she was just being a bit cranky, but this did not sit well with her. Her ears went completely flat at that point and she was beyond her safe temper point. Left Ear still wasn’t sure how she avoided jumping the Ensign…oh, yes…the phaser pointing at her probably had something to do with that.


Pointing a charged phaser at goldshirts was similar to poking a sleeping Terran bear. It just isn’t done if you expect to remain safely in one piece.


She was hoping to calm down about this and just basically not attack anyone on her first day. It was her first day on the job, and there was just so much to get acclimated to. Her nerves were just a bit on edge, and things would work out.


Mid. MVess Vacer “Left Ear” JoNs

Assistant Security Officer

Sky Harbor Aegis

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