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"A New Assignment"

Feb. 10, 2006 (2383)

Sky Harbor Aegis

“A New Assignment”


MVess JoNs gazed through the main view port of the transport shuttle as they began their final approach vector to the location of her new assignment and home– Sky Harbor Aegis.


She had the normal feelings of excitement intermixed with apprehension. The Aegis would be her first station posting. She knew that some would look down at this type of assignment, because if it’s not a ship, and doesn’t go anywhere, then it is probably downright boring. The being that made that statement, a loud-mouthed Klingon sozzled on Bloodwine, changed his opinion very shortly after MVess had clocked him.


A group from her last ship-board assignment had taken MVess out for a farewell jaunt and things sort of ended with a bang. The entire tavern, a combination of Starfleet, Klingon Defense Force, and Merchant Marine Crews, had erupted in a brawl. In retrospect she had been fortunate that she had been off duty, and off the ship. And the Klingon, Kachez, (after the incident they had been on a first name basis due to him considering the brawl a marvelous battle) had decided to file no charges against her. She did feel bad about starting the incident, but almost always ended up with a goofy smile on her face at the memory. It had somehow been the perfect send off, in a warped sort of way.


Basically, she needed to keep her temper under wraps or she would stay a Midshipman for the rest of her career, or worse. There were the right times and places, and it was just a matter of recognizing the good from the bad choices, and when and how to act.


MVess then thought of her younger cousin, Mrrett. The kitten had the calmness typical of the Caits, and it was very hard to get her angered. MVess had once shared that calmness, but had lost some of it over these past years. Mrrett was another important consideration. In a few short years, she would be eligible to attend the academy. MVess could not sponsor her if she was not in Fleet any longer. They both had much in common, and Mrrett was the world to MVess; she wouldn’t let the kitten down.


Sky Harbor Aegis was a new assignment and a new beginning. It felt very right, and MVess was now ready for this new opportunity.


Mid. MVess Vacer “Left Ear” JoNs

Assistant Security Officer

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