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Guest Vulcan3324

"On The Bridge"

"On The Bridge"

Lieutenant j.g. T'Parek

February 12, 2156


T'Parek's closed the channel. It had been the L'Traisans yet again, demanding the withdrawal of the Starfleet vessels from the Nequencia system. They hadn't seemed particularly inclined to wait, and despite Challenger's assurances that they were finishing personnel transfers before leaving, T'Parek didn't think that they'd be able to stall much longer.


As Aaron informed the captain of the latest transmission, she sat quietly, thinking. The Vulcan had mixed feelings on the Nequencian colony site. She didn't entirely believe it was Starfleet property, and if the L'Traisans had a burial ground filled with genetically modified bodies or not, it was no longer an appropriate place for a colony.


Something caught her eye on the frequency scanners. She was no expert on the operating frequencies of alien technology, but she'd seen the L'Traisan's transporter signal enough times now to recognize it.


"The L'Traisans are initiating their transporters," she spoke urgently. Curious. They had no apparent reason to be using their transporters.


T'Parek barely heard the conversation between Aaron and the captain as she tried to determine the source of the transporter lock, and what it was locking onto. The result popped on her console, and when the door to the lift behind her opened, she didn't have to look to know that it would be empty.


"The L'Traisans have transported Captain Moore to their flagship," she announced.


Judging by the manner in which the L'Traisans had conducted themselves recently, T'Parek was more than slightly concerned for the commanding officer's safety.


Curious behavior, to be certain. Abduct the commanding officer of the ship that you want to leave. Did the L'Traisans think that Challenger would leave without their captain? Unless that was part of the game. Leave and then you get him back.


Briefly, T'Parek wondered what Gardner's reaction would be to the crisis. With a spark of dry humor, she wondered why the L'Traisans couldn't have beamed away that high-ranking Starfleeter...



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