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New Arrivals

Subject: New Arrivals

Date: Tue, Feb 17, 1998 12:20 AM

From: Ens Zera




LtJg Joy: ::Joy examines PADD...  Eyebrows come down.::

Ens Zera: ::::::notices Joy's expression:::::: read anything interesting?

LtJg Joy: It is the ship's motto.

Ens Zera: What about it?  I thought it was nice.

LtJg Joy: We shall never surrender ourselves to servitude and shame

LtJg Joy: whatever the cost may be.

LtJg Joy: My planet's culture is based on service, on assisting others.

LtJg Joy: Is...  wishing to serve shameful?

LtJg Joy: ::Anxious, wishing to be proper::

Ens Zera: ::::raises an eyebrow::::: I don't believe so.

Ens Zera: I believe it is referring to the enemy, more than anything else.

Ens Zera: As a doctor I serve people.  That isn't shameful.

LtJg Joy: ::Sad::  I would hope so...

LtJg Joy: To preserve life is a high calling.

Ens Zera: ::::::shrugs::::: It wasn't a calling with me.  I just had to do


LtJg Joy: ::Thinks::

LtJg Joy: What is the distinction?

Ens Zera: :::smiles slightly::::: One is a desire to help others, and mine

was a desire to make my

Ens Zera: brother proud.

Ens Zera: Don't get me wrong, I love being a doctor.

LtJg Joy: Interesting.  A bond.  To wish another pride rather than to have

pride one's self?

Ens Zera: Asher was all I had.

LtJg Joy: Was?

Ens Zera: He died in a shuttle crash my first year in the academy.

LtJg Joy: ::Covers mouth with hand... ::  I am sorry.

Ens Zera: :::shrugs not looking at Joy::::: It was three years ago.  A long


LtJg Joy: ::Looks at the trill spots...  knows there are other connections.::

Ens Zera: ::::::looks around shuttle:::::: I'll be glad when we are off this


LtJg Joy: It should not be too much longer.

LtJg Joy: There she is.  Starboard.  Ten O'clock.


Ens Zera: ::::turns to see the ship and breathes a sigh of relief::: Finally

LtJg Joy: None of the Joys have served a Galaxy class before.

Ens Zera: ::::looks surprised::::: None?  Does that mean there are more of


LtJg Joy: ::Touches her necklace.::  This unit is number Five.

LtJg Joy: There are Eleven.

Ens Zera: Eleven?  And they all look the same?

LtJg Joy: ::Drops head in slight shame.::

LtJg Joy: Correct.  We were all built to the same plan.

Ens Zera: :::notices reaction:::::Sorry, I'm too curious for my own good.

LtJg Joy: That is all right.  There will be many aboard unusual...

LtJg Joy: and curiosity is part of the job.  ::Smiles::

Ens Zera: ::::returns smile:::::: I guess there will be.

Ens Zera: I am just anxious to get started.

LtJg Joy: Myself as well.  Away teams may already be down.

LtJg Joy: I just hope, given your field, that the need is not too great.

LtJg Joy: ::Sad::

Ens Zera: :::::nods::::::   I hope so too.

LtJg Joy: ::Looks out the window again at the large ship.::

LtJg Joy: She is beautiful, though?

Ens Zera: ::::smiles as she looks at the ship::::::: Yes.

Ens Zera: :::::adds with a laugh:::::: and big

LtJg Joy: ::Smiles::  Crew of 2000.

Ens Zera: :::smiles at Joy:::: I meant the space.

LtJg Joy: The space is sufficient given the primary mission objective.

Ens Zera: ::::raises an eyebrow and nods:::: yes, as long as it is bigger

than this shuttle.

LtJg Joy: That will not be a problem.  As we close, watch her grow.

LtJg Joy: ::Smiles::

Ens Zera: ::::::swallows a laugh not wanting to offend Joy:::::

LtJg Joy: ::Approaching from the rear, closing on a shuttle bay in the back

of the saucer section.::

Ens Zera: I guess we'll be landing soon.


LtJg Joy: Yes.

LtJg Joy: ::Takes last look at the stars as they begin to be obscured by           the ship.

LtJg Joy: ::

LtJg Joy: Feels like a good approach.

Ens Zera: :::::nods::::: yes, I am always happy when it is over though.

LtJg Joy: Understandable.  I would rather be at helm, myself.

LtJg Joy: But that is not my current function.  ::Sighs::

Ens Zera: :::smiles:::::personally, I don't like helm

LtJg Joy: The captain gives precise orders which can generally be cleanly


LtJg Joy: It is a good post.

LtJg Joy: ::Runabout enters bay and settles to the floor.::

Ens Zera: I'd rather take care of the crew in sickbay.  I'd probably run into


LtJg Joy: Where as I find biology very difficult.  Too many analog aspects of problems.

LtJg Joy: Organic beings are more complicated than "on" and "off".

LtJg Joy: ::Peturbed::

Ens Zera: :::smiles again::::::That is the great part.

Ens Zera: Always a challenge.


LtJg Joy: A challenge I hope you can meet.  ::Smiles::


LtJg Joy: ::Stands...  gathers her things::


Ens Zera: :::gathers her things:::: I see we both travel light.


LtJg Joy: Yes.  I have no need of things to recall memories.


LtJg Joy: ::Starts out...  smiles briefly at the pilot, still shutting down systems.::


Ens Zera: :::::follows Joy::::::


LtJg Joy: ::Waits for air pressure to show green on outer lock.::


Ens Zera: :::::waits rather impatiently:::::::;


LtJg Joy: I guess we will just have to be careful...


Ens Zera: careful?   about what?


LtJg Joy: Not to surredner ourselves to servitude and shame.


LtJg Joy: ::winks::


LtJg Joy: ::Door opens.::


Ens Zera: :::laughs softly::::: That we will


LtJg Joy: ::Starts across the absurdly large hanger bay.::


LtJg Joy: Goodbye, Zera....  and good luck.


Ens Zera: ::::walks through hanger bay:::::  I guess I'll see you around Joy, Good luck.


LtJg Joy: ::Smiles::

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